HomeSocial ResponsibilityYRPG Charity Society
Social Responsibility
Ambassador of Public Health

Between 2001 and 2003, YRPG, working with Ministry of Health, Poverty Alleviation Office, State Administration of Radio Film and Television, hosted for three consecutive years the campaign Caring for Public Health in Western China to echo Party Central's call for developing Western China.

Donation site for Caring for the West Campaign.
The launching ceremony for the second phase of Caring for the West.
The third phase of Caring for the West.

The campaign spreads love and hope to Western China. Over the three years, YRPG's footprint has covered 11 provinces, cities and autonomous regions amounting to 30,000 kilometers. The group puts in RMB 40 million yuan in total, including medicines worth 21 RMB million yuan, aid donation RMB 6.65 million yuan, 22 Hope Project primary schools, 15 health centers and clinics, and also its contribution to "Bring Back Visions" to senior citizens who suffered from cataract.

Yunnan, being China's most ethnically diverse province, has a large proportion of population living in poverty due to its disadvantaged geography and weak economic foundation. In 2003, earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 hit Dayao and Zhaotong of Yunnan, and disrupted live and work for local residents. YRPG went to the affected areas to give ten medicines that were in shortage in those areas to help them fight the diseases.

In April 27 of 2006, Public Health Education for All, a public health education campaign held by CNMA and YRPG, was launched. Dozens of Health Expresses started their journey to different districts of China from the headquarters of YRPG.

The site for Safe Use of Drugs for Family.
The launching ceremony for the first phase of the Caring for the West.

The campaign included education for community doctors and village doctors in Beijing, Hebei and Jiangsu, spreading knowledge by giving lectures in villages, installing multi-media devices for popular science films on safe use of medicines, applying for continued education programs on endocrine, gastrointestinal tract, anti-infection and cardiovascular diseases for doctors in medium and large specialized hospitals.

On August 3, 2009, YRPG sponsored the popular science activity Safe Use of Medicines for Family Health in Beijing. The campaign, co-hosted by State Food and Drug Agency, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, All China Federation of Trade Union, Central Communist League, All China Women's Federation and China Science Association, aimed at increasing public awareness of safe use of medicines in accordance with State Council's work on medicine safety and medical reform. Sang Guowei, Vice Chairman of NPC and Shao Mingli, Head of SFDA, addressed the launching ceremony. Shao spoke highly of YRPG's sense of corporate social responsibility and sense of moral citizenship.

Aiding People Suffered from Natural Disasters

In the late summer of 1998, the worst flood in a century hit Jiangxi and Hubei Province, when the water levels in Yangtze River, Poyang Lake, Fuhe River, Xinjiang River and Xiuhe River reached historical high. Xu Jingren went to the affected areas in Jiangxi and Hubei Province by himself with his team and medicines worth RMB 6 million yuan, immediately giving the medicines to local health centers to help mitigate the epidemic in those areas.

Leaders of YRPG see off the trucks heading to areas in Sichuan that are affected by the quake.
YRPG hosts its donation ceremony for the combat against SARS.
YRPG donates via Jiangsu Red Cross to areas affected by quake in Sichuan.

In 2003, SARS hit China. YRPG carried emergency response plan by producing more antiviral medicines in addition to call for a nationwide response against SARS epidemic. In less than two days, the company's medicines for SARS worth RMB 5 million yuan were produced and reached Guangdong Province overnight by air. YRPG also donated RMB 1 million yuan for aid fund to combat SARS.

Yangtze River and Huai River suffered from flood since the beginning of summer in 2006, and some regions even suffered from tornado, with huge loss of property. On July 5, YRPG took the initiative to contact Jiangsu Red Cross, and donated anti-inflammatories RMB 1.4 million yuan for disease prevention and treatment.

In late May of 2007, blue-green algae outbroke in Taihu Lake, and lead to water shortage in Wuxi. Upon knowing the news, YRPG immediately purchased over 100 tons of pure water to Wuxi to mitigate the shortage of drinking water in hospitals, schools and old people's home.

On May 12, 2008, an 8 magnitude earthquake hit Wenchuan village of Sichuan Province. The earthquake, being the severest since Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, caused huge loss of life and property. YRPG ordered longer working hours to produce medicines needed for the affected areas, and rushed to the areas with the goods. YRPG donated medicines worth over RMB 20 million yuan and cash amounting to RMB 3 million yuan. Staff of YRPG donated over 50,000 ml of blood. Hairong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd of YRPG was also affected by the quake, but suffered no casualties due to swift response. Moreover, Hairong also worked with the local government in disaster relief. The company left out its working shops, warehouses for logistics and allocation center for affected areas, and offered help to workers in the center, PLA soldiers and volunteers of this rescue effort. The company's practice drew wide praise from both Chengdu and Dujiangyan government and party committee.

Supporting Public Health

Since 2001, YRPG has been the sole sponsor of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Prize, the highest prize in medical industry in China, for 12 consecutive years. Moreover, YRPG also sponsors the Wu Jieping Medical Prize, Chinese Medical Doctor Prize and so on. YRPG is the training or internship center for Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Medical Quality Control Association, Chinese Hospital Association, Chinese Institute for Food and Drug Control, Peking University, China Pharmaceutical University. It shoulders the responsibility of training talents for industry and higher institutes.

Yangtze River Summit on Medicine Quality
International Medical Industry Conference of BFA (Bo'ao Forum for Asia)
Ceremony for Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award

Since 2007, YRPG hosted key events including,Jiangsu New Medical Industry Forum,3rd Asia-Pacific Diabetes Conference, Conference of "7+1" Cooperation on Drug Supervision, 7th Deans Forum and 2008 Annual Academic Meeting, 6th Proteome Conference, Safe Use of Drugs Campaign, 2009 Annual Conference of County-level Hospitals, 30th National Conference and Awarding Ceremony on Medical Industry QC, 9th Jiangsu Representative Assembly of Medical Association and Awarding Ceremony for Advanced Units, Bo'ao Forum and International Medical Industry Conference, 13th Shanghai International Bio-technology and Pharmaceutical Symposium & YRPG Biological Preparation Symposium, 2012 Chinese Medical Quality Summit