Social Responsibility
Environmental Protection

YRPG is always valuing environmental protection and following international environmental standards. We are endeavoring to build a green factory, promote green production and cultivate green culture by building a green ecological industrial park. We have also set up anenvironmental protection taskforce to evaluate the environmental standards according to laws and regulations every year. Having invested hundreds of million yuan on importing environment-friendly equipment and technologies and introduced clean production evaluation system and ISO14001 environmental management system, we manage to minimize the environment impact from the beginning to the end of production and gain public confidence.

Wastewater Treatment:Wastewater from production must be processed in the wastewater treatment system of YRPG to meet Standards for Wastewater from Mixed Preparation Production before it is discharged.

Solid Waste Treatment:Hazardous solid wastesaretransferred to professional companies for treatment; general recyclable solid wastesare recycled by accredited units; household garbagesare disposed by Council of Gaogang District.

Exhaust Treatment:We entrust Taizhou Environmental Protection Bureau with the monitoring of exhaust and our exhaust treatment meets the standards.

Over the past years, we have won a series of honors and credentials, such as Environment Friendly Company, Excellent Company for Environmental Protection in Jiangsu, Taizhou Green Company, Taizhou Model Company for Environmental Protection. These honors are acknowledgement of YRPG's social responsibility and witness of our green footprint.

Information on Environmental Protection in 2012 by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group

In 2012, YRPG was following environment laws and regulations, ensuring the working of environment utilities, and ensuring the waste disposal met environment standards under the leadership and guidance of Taizhou and Gaogang Environmental Protection Agency. Our information on environmental protection is as follows:

1.YRPG's Environmental Protection Principles, Annual Goals and Achievements

1) We follow the principles of "Observing laws, prioritizing prevention, ensuring continuous improvement and enhancing management performance".
2) Our goals for environmental protection: 100% standard rate for wastewater treatment, 100% standard rate for exhaust treatment, 100% standard rate for noise control, 100% standard disposal of solid waste.
3) Our environmental protection targets areas including Zhangma Village, Chengdong Village, Wangying Village, Jiangsu Lightening Material Co., Ltd, and Wangyingzhonggou Channel. Our company is picturesque and pollution-free. All of our pollutant disposals meet environmental standards and we have never been complained by local residents or penalized by environmental bureaus. None of our operations has any environmental effect on the targeted areas.

2.Energy Consumption in 2012

1) We used 1,180,800 tons of water, 41,734,776 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 134,207 tons of steam. The overall consumption is 19,870.5257 tons of standard coal.
2) Energy consumption per product is 73.8 tons of standard coal per 10,000 products, down by 14.53% from 2011.
3) Water consumption per product is 4,385.25 tons per 10,000 products, down by 27.77% from 2011.

3.Investment on Environment Protection

No. Item Volume Total Investment Notes
1 Medical Waste And Wasted Drugs 75.1928 tons 210,500 yuan by Taizhou Yuxin Solid Waste Treatment Company
2 Waste Light Tubes with Mercury 4950 10,900 yuan by Yixing Sunan Solid Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization Factory
3 Wastewater Treatment 780,475 tons 3,268,400 yuan No.2 Wastewater Treatment Station of the Second Engineering Workshop
4 Environmental Monitoring / 30,000 yuan by Taizhou Environmental Monitoring Center
5 Working Area Household Garbage Treatment / 38,000 yuan by Environmental Agency of Gaogang District
6 Working Area Green Belt And Maintenance / 17,934,000 yuan by Rugao Landscape and Gardening Construction Company and Jiangsu Tenglong Garden and Greening Construction Company

4.Pollutants, Volumes, Density and Destination

Pollutant Volume 2012
COD Emission (ton/year) 27.83
Emission by Municipal Standard (ton/year) 58.9
Density (mg/L) 35.66
Execution Standard (mg/L) ≦60
SS Actual Emission (ton/year) 8.19
Emission by Municipal Standard (ton/year) N/A
Density (mg/L) 10.5
Execution Standard (mg/L) ≦30
Nitrogen Ammonia Actual Emission (ton/year) 0.1
Emission by Municipal Standard (ton/year) 9.8
Density (mg/L) 0.13
Execution Standard (mg/L) ≦10
pH Density of Emission 7.08
Execution Standards 6~9
Total Volume of Wastewater (ton) 780475
Destination: Wangyingzhonggou Channel/td>

5.The Conditions of YRPG's Environmental Facilities

YRPG currently uses No.2 Wastewater Treatment Station of the Second Engineering Workshop that can treat 3,900 tons of water per day. The discharged water meets the Standards for Wastewater from Mixed Preparation Production (GB21908-2008 Form 2).

6.Solid Waste Treatment

(1) Solid wastes fall into general waste and hazardous waste; general waste falls into recyclable waste and non-recyclable waste.
(2) Solid waste treatment: Recyclable wastes are recycled by YRPG Recycling Team and then sold to accredited companies; non-recyclable wastes are transferred to Gaogang Sanitation Office; hazardous wastes are disposed by qualified special companies (for example: medical waste, wasted drugs, sludge is disposed by Taizhou Yuxin Solid Waste Treatment Company; wasted light tubes are treated by Yixing Sunan Solid Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization Factory).
(3) Volume of Solid Waste

No. Waste Unit 2012 Disposal Methods
1 Sludge ton 11.89 By Taizhou Yuxin Solid Waste Treatment Company
2 Wasted Drugs ton 42.5
3 Wasted Light Tubes ton 0.5513
4 Wasted Light Tubes ton 2.23
5 Engine Oil ton 5.35
6 Household Garbage ton 580 by district sanitary station
7 Recyclable Waste (paper, metal, plastic, glass) ton 1449.05 by selling to qualified companies

(4) Comprehensive Utilization of Solid Waste
Time Production Volume of Utilization Utilization Rate Disposal Volume Disposal Rate Comprehensive Utilization Rate
2012年 2091.55 1449.05 69.3% 642.5 30.7% 100%