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Application of NIR Technology
Author: Date:2013/7/31 10:47:00 Read:4017
Near Infrared (NIR) analysis has grown fast in analytical chemistry over recent years. Known as "King of Analytical Chemistry", it is drawing ever more intense attention from researchers all over the world. Its birth could be a revolution in analysis technics. Near Infrared Spectrum belongs to the doubling frequency of molecular vibrational spectrum and dominant frequency absorption spectrum. When samples are exposed to constantly changing near infrared lights, the infrared transmission will show information of organic contents and structure as a result of the samples' optional absorption of different frequencies of near-infrared lights. NIR technology includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis, the former aiming to confirming the structure and components and the latter aiming to confirming the contents of some components and the value of some properties.
In 2008, a time when NIR technology has not yet been popular in China, YRPG bought a Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectrometer from Bruker Optics to help its cooperation with National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) for their research on cracking down on fake medicines. YRPG's two models of Levofloxacin Hydrochloride capsules and Roxithromycin capsules have been used for "Fight Fake Drugs" campaign by NIFDC. It is pollution-free, pretreatment-free and convenient to identify raw materials using NIR technology, and the test can be finished in several minutes or even seconds. When experts from Russian Federal Health Ministry visited YRPG and saw the NIR instruments, they expressed high appreciation for its application.