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Production and Quality Badminton Friendship Competitions
Author: Date:2013/7/31 10:46:00 Read:4113
At 12:30 p.m. of November 16, 2012, YRPG's Production and Quality Badminton Friendship Competition was held in Kangle Central Badminton Court of Haiyan Hotel. 48 young members from Production Center and QC center attended the competition.
The competition consisted of men's singles, women's singles, and women's doubles. The match was for the best of three games. It was going on in a friendly atmosphere, where every on prepared actively and showed the best of their strength. They offered an exciting game to the audience. The winners for women's doubles went to Dr. Yang Lei and Dr. Wang Ying. Yanglei also won women's singles, and Xue Tao from production center won men's singles.
This competition was co-hosted by quality control center and production command center and won support from YRPG's labor union and badminton association. The match showed staff members' spirit of unity and vigor, enriched their cultural life and enhanced their communication.