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The Announcement of the 2012 Mayor of Taizhou Prize-Winning Enterprises by Mayor of Taizhou Prize Bo
Author: Date:2013/1/29 10:54:53 Read:4076


Following the Methods of Awarding the Mayor of Taizhou Prizes and principles of reasonability, transparency, fairness and equality, and on a voluntary basis for participants, the Board plans to award Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and Jiangsu Shuangdeng Group Co., LTD Mayor of Taizhou Prizes.
The awarding has gone through quality review, material review, on-site assessment and the appraisal by the Mayor of Taizhou Prize Board. The announcement will be valid from September 28, 2012 to October 4, 2012. If you have any questions about the result, please contact Office of the Quality Supervising Bureau of Taizhou in real name (stamp is needed for institutional materials) in written form (including e-mail) within the announcement period. The Board will soon send feedbacks after receiving your questions.
Please contact
Kong Chunhong
315 South Hailing Road, Taizhou
0523-86882105, 86883513