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Quality Month, the Key Component of YRPG's Culture
Author: Date:2013/1/28 13:18:51 Read:3203


Quality month is not a strange idea to most of us. It is a once-in-a-year activity advocated and organized by China's quality control departments that involves wide participation of companies with the aim to increase public awareness of quality. World's first national quality month was born to Japan in 1960s. China's first quality month was generated in 1978, when the national economy began to recover from the devastation of the Culture Revolution and many companies were suffering from low productivity and quality problems. To solve those problems, the State Economic Commission issued Announcement for Quality Month to the whole country in June 1978, determining that Quality month would be held every September to promote the idea and ethos of "Quality is of Vital Importance".

As a special commodity, drug is crucial to public health and life. Quality of drugs is thus vitally important. Quality control of drugs is a key issue for every manager and decision-maker of pharmaceutical companies. YRPG has established its unique culture on quality control in its history of over 40 years, during which more than 20 well-planned and well-organized quality months had been held. To YRPG, quality month is a reminder of safeguarding quality. Every year, the company hosts a quality month with a theme on the development of the company. The whole staff will conduct quality month in various forms with specific targets. Quality month is very useful to enhance the company's awareness on quality, improve quality control and promote a healthy growth for the company.

Year 1994 was a milestone for YRPG. In this year, YRPG was officially established, and its Weisu granules, which was launched into the market in the previous year, was awarded Chinese Famous Brand. In 1994, YRPG conducted its first quality month to echo central government's call for quality month. From then on, quality month began to move with the company's steady growth. In 2004, YRPG decided to host two quality months in June and September every year in an effort to further promote the event. In 2009, YRPG substituted March for the June's quality month, so that the event became once in half a year.  

In every quality month, YRPG selects a leader group directly headed by Xu Jingren for the activity. The group decides the theme and content of the event, announces notices and plans, mobilizes staff members, and organizes contests, evaluations, summaries and awarding meetings. Besides the theme event from the company, every department will also have its own detailed plan, which will be executed if passed, and will be submitted to Human Resource Department as criterion for assessment.

Education on tainted drugs is a must for very quality month. The first step in enhancing quality month is to increase employees' awareness of quality. One worker from transfusion workshop once said: "one transfusion product concerns three lives-- the life of the patient, the life of the company and the life of the worker himself--the three lives are inter-connected."

Topic training, knowledge contest and skill competition are common activities of quality month. They help improve employees' ability and ignite their passion for work. Besides, self-check on quality control and continued programs in different departments can be the starting point for the following quality month. The leader group will usually follow and check the unfinished work in previous quality months. Since the 23th Quality Month in 2010, GMP has become a key component of every quality month that YRPG follows.

Quality Month has become an inseparable part of YRPG's corporate culture.