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“Retracing the Long March Road, Bringing Health to Aba”—Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Sponsors a Health-related Public Welfare Activity in Aba Prefecture
Author: Date:2016/7/18 17:03:00 Read:3970
On July 4, the “Retracing the Long March Road, Bringing Health to Aba” large-scale public welfare activity exclusively funded by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was launched at Qipangou Community Health Center of Wenchuan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. In this theme activity organized by the Primary Health Office of Health and Family Planning Commission of Sichuan Province and undertaken by the Sichuan Association of Community Health, the Health and Family Planning Commission of Aba Prefecture and the General Party Branch of Medical Health Service Guidance Center of Sichuan Province, over 40 expert volunteers from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, the Maternal And Child Care Service Center of Sichuan Province, five community health service centers of Chengdu, Deyang and Zigong and Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group provided gratuitous treatment and drugs and medical training in Aba Prefecture, and a long-acting assisting and co-building mechanism was established with the locality to further increase the primary medical health level of areas inhabited by ethnic groups.
On the launch ceremony, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group donated drugs and supplies valued at RMB 300,000, including 14 categories Chinese and western drugs covering 9 types—i.e. antihypertensives, antihyperglycemics, drugs for gastrointestinal tract, antibiotics, analgesics and antipyretics, antiallergics, drugs for children, gynecological drugs and dermatological drugs, all used for this gratuitous treatment activity.
After the closure of the ceremony, more than a hundred people of Wenchuan County queued up for treatment under the direction of volunteers. The expert volunteers rendered careful medical diagnoses and professional medication advice to the patients coming for treatment and prescribed them on site, and volunteers from Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group would then distributed drugs to them accordingly with solicitous instruction of proper dosage regimens. Lasting over two hours, the gratuitous treatment was going in good order and solved the problems of all the patients, taking a successful first step on the long march to bring health to the Aba people.
In response to the 95thanniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of China and the 80thanniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group proactively participated in this large-scale gratuitous treatment activity for public health, and will continue its engagement throughout the gratuitous treatment activities in Wenchuan County, Songpan County, Ruoergai County, Aba County and Hongyuan County of Aba Prefecture, to make contributions to the Aba people in health and asperse the land of Tibetans and Qiang people for health protection.
During the six-day northward journey passing through rolling hills and spectacularly vast grassland under scorching sun or towards rain and wind, the volunteers overcame difficulties and crossed the grassland like the Red Army soldiers 80 years ago. Mr. Xu Jingren, secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board of the Group, remarked that by funding and taking part in this large-scale gratuitous treatment activity, the Group carried forward the spirit of the Red Army’s Long March and enhanced the cooperation with the Health and Family Planning Commission of and medical service providers of Aba Prefecture to make joint efforts to develop the medical and health cause of Tibetan areas, contributing to the achievement of moderately prosperous Tibetan areas in all aspects and bringing to the areas along the route of the Long March happiness and health.