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Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Wins the 2014 Awards for Corporate Excellence
Author: Date:2015/4/1 11:28:00 Read:3117
Shi Zhigang (the fifth from the left) attended the conference and received the award on behalf of the company
Representatives from Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and four other enterprises participated in the round-table forum
Shi Zhigang made a speech at the round-table forum link
‘Economic New Normal, Jiangsu Starts Again’- 2015 Corporate Development Summit Forum and the Awarding Ceremony of ‘Jiangsu Innovative and Pioneering Enterprises’ hosted by Modern Express of Xinhua News Agency were grandly held in Nanjing on January 21. Over 150 economists and representatives of outstanding entrepreneurs of our province attended the conference. They discussed how enterprises could achieve development through innovation in the economic transition period. At the conference, awards were conferred upon the innovative enterprises of the year. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and 12 other enterprises won the 2014 Awards for Corporate Excellence. Member of the Group Party Committee and Director of the Sales Support Department Shi Zhigang attended the conference and received the award.
The well-known macro-economist Xiang Songzuo and doctor in Economics Liu Qihong made keynote speeches under the titles of The Macro-economic Situation and Policy Direction after the Economic Working Conference and Jiangsu Private Enterprises Start Again in the New Normal respectively at the invitation of the forum. During the round-table forum link, representatives from Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and four other enterprises expressed their opinions of science and technology, product, business model and other aspects respectively and shared their experience and fruits of enterprise innovation and transformation with other guests present. Shi Zhigang mainly shared the successful experience of YRPG in its quality control and innovation. He said that YRPG had always been in pursuit of excellence in quality and it had ranked first in QC for ten consecutive years. Besides, it had also introduced the outstanding performance management model and achieved impressive results. Since 2005, YRPG has been shifting from producing drugs by coping others to producing drugs by its own research and development. I has carried out the industry-college-institute cooperation with universities and institutes in order to realize the transition from ‘made in YRPG’ to ‘created in YRPG’.
The participants of the summit forum are enterprises from both the traditional industries and the emerging ones. They are all facing the challenge of transition and upgrade. This forum has provided new ideas for the development of the enterprises, which will help them create new types of business, develop new profit models and realize a leap forward with the innovation as the driving force in the changing market environment.