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Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group listed among 2014 Chinese Happiness Enterprises
Author: Date:2015/4/1 11:27:00 Read:3239
Recently, the exhibition of 2014 Chinese Happiness Enterprise Construction was held in the lecture hall of People’s Daily in Beijing and the list of 2014 Chinese Happiness Enterprises was also released. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was among the list with its strong sense of social responsibilities and harmonious corporate culture.
This activity was jointly hosted by Chinese Happiness Enterprise Research Center, people.cn and professional institutions of human resources management in order to encourage enterprises to create a happy and healthy working environment and pay greater attention to employees’ happiness in workplaces. Thus, enterprises and their employees can join hands in creating economic and social values, promoting harmonious social development and performing the China Dream. This activity lasted for eight months. It first carried out preliminary assessments of over 4300 enterprises: the top 100 enterprises of 32 provinces of the country and the top 100 enterprises of 12 industries including finance, construction, communications and medical care. Then it conducted comprehensive assessments of the enterprise happiness construction from the following eight dimensions: corporate and organizational culture, social responsibility, organizational performance, labor relations, pressure handling, career development, behavioral health and mental feelings.
In accordance with strict assessment procedures, the assessment experts of Chinese Happiness Enterprise Research Center made such comments on Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group: it is in pursuit of the maximum comprehensive value of economy, society, environment and humanity. It has been making efforts to realize the goal of vigorously developing national medicine and building a top pharmaceutical enterprise both at home and abroad. It has been promoting the revitalization and development of national medicine with its excellent practice of responsibility and its brand value. It has been making its own contributions to the realization of the China Dream and the dream of being a power in quality control.
Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, regarding revitalizing the national medical industry as its own duty, takes on social responsibilities and keeps developing itself. It has ranked among the top three of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises for five years in a row and has been in the first place of Chinese chemical pharmaceutical enterprises for four consecutive years. It is listed among the top 500 Chinese enterprises, the top 500 Chinese private enterprises and the top 500 Chinese taxpayers. It has won the award for ‘National Civilized Unit’, ‘National May Day Labor Certificate’, the award for ‘National Model Home of Employees’, ‘National Award for Excellent Corporate Culture’, the award for ‘National Top 10 Harmonious Enterprise’, the award for ‘National Advanced Private Enterprises in Employment and Social Security’, the award for ‘National Advanced Unit in Ideological and Cultural Progress’, the award for ‘Chinese Top 10 Most Valuable Industry Brands in Credibility’, the award for ‘Chinese Top 10 Brands in Customer Satisfaction’ and ‘2014 Award for Corporate Excellence in Social Responsibility’, the award for ‘Chinese Outstanding Enterprise in Social Responsibility’ and ‘National Award for Pharmaceutical Enterprise’s Social Contributions’. In the Chinese bio-pharmaceutical sector, it comes first in brand strength and second in brand value.
When developing economy and performing social responsibilities, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group is also committed to creating a corporate culture of warmth, harmony and happiness for employees. Every year, the group holds a variety of activities during festivals, such as May Day, July 1st(anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China) and the Spring Festival. The activities include collective weddings for employees, revolutionary songs choir contests for celebrating July 1st, YRPG Art Festival and art contests for celebrating the Spring Festival. These activities have attracted a lot of employees and they also participate in a wide range of spare time activities offered by the group. The group arranges physical examinations for employees every year and provides two free meals every day for every employee. The reading room, gym and bathroom in the employees’ residential area are open for free. Before the Spring Festivals, special buses are arranged for employees who work far away from home.
In the future, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group will, at new stages of development, provide more high-quality drugs and services to people, raise the care for employees to the strategic level of corporate development, continue to bear social responsibilities, improve employees’ happiness and draw a new blueprint of happiness for YRPG by continuously enriching corporate culture and building a green environmentally-friendly factory and a harmonious cultural environment.