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YRPG Rose to 19th Place Among Top 100 Taxpayers to SAT in Jiangsu, Up by 8 places
Author: Date:2014/5/22 11:03:00 Read:3419
The Jiangsu Provincial Office, SAT released the Top 100 Taxpayers to SAT in 2013. YRPG ranked No.19 in the list, up by 8 places from 2012, being the top of pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu and demonstrating its contribution and strength as a major tax payer.
Since 2013, a year when China’s domestic economy was slowing down, YRPG has been carrying forward the reform and innovation, implementing three-medicines-in-one-go strategy, and speeding up upgrade of enterprise. The Company maintained its momentum, with satisfactory results in both production and sales. In particular, the Company paid tax worth 1,045 billion yuan. As to Jiangsu Quality Award of 2013, YRPG won No.1 from the 33 competitors to become the only pharmaceutical company to win this title among its counterparts.
It can be seen from the Top 100 list that the leading companies continuing to grow rapidly and the threshold for entering the list has been raised. In 2013, the top 100 taxpayers paid a total of 129.76 billion yuan to SAT offices in Jiangsu, with the top 0.05‰ companies contributing 28.3% of total tax. The tax scale of the top 100 companies rose by 8.8%, with the entry requirement hitting 300 million yuan and reaching 306 million yuan, a 24.92 million yuan (by 8.9%) y-o-y increase. In particular, over 52 companies paid tax over 500 million yuan, up by 9 over last year. The emerging industry and high-tech industry have become the leading force of manufacturers. Forty-four companies of the Top 100 list came from the top 100 manufacturers, with total tax of 80.64 billion yuan and average increase of tax by 17.3%. Eight pharmaceutical companies were among the list, an increase of 2 companies over the last year, which demonstrated the rise of emerging industry and hi-tech industry.
Seven companies from Taizhou were among the list, ranking No.5 in Jiangsu, No.1 in Mid-Jiangsu, next to Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Xuzhou. The seven tax payers paid a total of 5.117 billion yuan to SAT office in Jiangsu in 2013, with an average payment of 731 million yuan, accounting for 26.86% of Taizhou’s direct revenues and 3.94% of top 100 taxpayers in Jiangsu. The major taxpayers have demonstrated exceptional advantage.