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Visiting needy people and spread warmth –communist Party members of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group conduct "spreading warmth" activities before the Spring Festival
Author: Date:2013/12/31 12:07:00 Read:2217

  Vice Party Secretary-General Ji Shouru addresses the Donation Ceremony in Diao Pu and Xuzhuang Street

            Vice Secretary-General Ji Hongquan gives comfort allowances to poor households in Tianhe Town

                             Vice Chairman Xu Liqin gives comfort allowance to poor households in Baima Town

                                      Director Yu Yu encourages poor households in Huzhuang to stay firm on life

             General Manager Assistant Liang Yuantai gives comfort allowance to poor households in Dasi Town

    General ManagerAssistant Sha Qi inquires about the conditions of poor households in Yong'anzhou Town

               General ManagerAssistant Lu Xianfeng gives comfort allowance to poor households in Dasi Town

 General ManagerAssistant Yang Maochang gives comfort allowance to poor residents in Yong'anzhou Town

In the morning on February 1, it was drizzling, and, a team of vehicles departed from Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group in the mist.

Before the coming of Snake Year Spring Festival, the group's communist Partycommitteemobilized its Party members, cadres, managers and employees to donate cash and goodin order to help the poor households in the region to have a happy new year. Through over a month of preparation, the leaders of the Party committee, the principals of different departments and Party members were conducting "spreading warmth" activity in Kou'an, Diaopu, Xuzhuang Street, Yong'anzhou, Baima, Dasi and Huhuang Town of Gaogang District in six teams.During this activity, 271 households received comfortableallowance and clothing worth 130,000 yuan.

The teams spread their love and caring everywhere along the journey. To ensure that Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group can bring help to those in need, the Companynot only gave donation to poor residents in the central offices of each town or village, its Party members also walked into the poor households, asked about their lives and encouraged them to stay firm on life.

Ji Shouru, the Party Secretary-General and Vice General Manager, visited Diaopu and Xuzhuang Street along with managers and principals from the 2nd Sales Department and Human Resources Department. In the donation ceremony, Ji Shouru briefed on the Company's growth to the residents and extended his new-year greeting. He said Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's success would have been impossible without support, care and understanding from his fellow townsmen. He said Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was responsible for helping people living in poverty. He also said that people's life would turn better with the help from the Party, government and all quarters of society. Over 63 households in Diaopu and Xuzhuang Street received the comfort allowance.

Assistant Liang Yuantai gave Du Chenglin, a resident living in extreme poverty in Dasi Village of Dasi Town. Du Chenglin expressed his thanks to Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group. Du, at his 50s, lost his capability of labor. His family was heavily debt-burdened due to the huge cost of operation. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's visit enabled his family to buy goods for the new year.

The team also visited Cao Shilin with the help of cadres from Baima Town. Xu Liqin, Vice General Manager of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, gave Cao the allowance and inquired about his condition. Cao expressed his thanks to Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and the Party upon the team's departure.

The Company has never forgotten to pay back the society. Since 2006, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group has been visiting poor households in every Spring Festival, with its scope of help expanding to the whole region. Donation by the Party members reached one million yuan, benefiting thousands of residents, spreading the Party and the Company's love to every household living in poverty. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group also invests over twenty million yuan on road construction, poverty alleviation, education assistance and other public causes, being a model for safeguarding all human beings with its generosity.