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Director Mark Powell visited Different R&D Departments of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
Author: Date:2013/12/12 9:00:00 Read:2244
                               Chairman Xu Jingren, Director Mark Powell and Lv Qiang chat during the forum

          Director Mark Powell and Professor Xia Wenle exchange views on drug research and development

         Director Mark Powell and Luo Hongpeng, Professor of Medicine Research Institute, exchange views

In mid-October of 2013, Mark Powell, Honorary Director of YRPG New Medicine Research Institute, visited offices of the company in Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing and also headquarters in Taizhou to understand. Mark Powell discussed with the key members of the new product research and development team, offered guiding and constructive opinions on the programs and took part in the external exchange and cooperation.
Mark Powell's first destination was Haiyan Company in Beijing. He and the team of new medicine innovation evaluated and discussed the innovative drugs made by BioDuro.
Then, Mark Powell visited Chengdu, where he called on the partner of YRPG to explore and consolidate the opportunities of cooperation. In the morning, Mark Powell listened to the report on partnership program between YRPG and West China Medical School by several principals of different research topics by the Medical School. In the course of report, Mark Powell noted down the contents and checked the data and results of the key experimental results. At the conclusion of the report, Mark Powell visited the laboratory building of West China Medical School. Then, he visited the Chempartner, whose leaders expressed the intention of working with pharmaceutical giants like YRPG. The leaders also wished that the visit could promote the substantial cooperation in the long run.
Mark Powell visited the Haiyan Medical Science and Technology Co., Ltd. of YRPG in Shanghai Zhangjiang Medical Valley. He found the laboratory was upsized and he saw many new faces. He also learnt a lot about the general operation of Zhangjiang Medical Valley, including facts such as the support of the government, the policies and the industrial climate. After hearing the introduction, Mark Powell showed his amazement and said that the Valley was the treasure land of Fengshui in Shanghai and China at large and the land could be used to promote the industrialization, internationalization and capitalization of the research findings. Haiyan, with a group of skilled research and development personnel, was the advance force of YRPG's new drug research and innovation. Having the headquarters as the support and integrating the advantageous resources in Zhangjiang District, the research and innovation can surely make progress and yield economic benefits. Mark Powell also acknowledged the Haiyan's progress and offered his advice. A staff member of R&D in Haiyan expressed that the interaction with Mark Powell was exciting, as he brought us advanced information, illuminated our ideas and broaden our horizon. He said they would welcome more of events like this.
During the half-month visit, Mark Powell also visited Guangzhou Hairui, Shanghai Haini, Nanjing Hailing and the research institute in the headquarters. He learnt about the R&D efforts made by the subsidiaries and the headquarters and listened to the reports made by the key personnel. He also discussed the difficulties during the research progress and sorted out the product line of the Group in the future. He acknowledged the achievement of YRPG in research and innovation and praised the researchers for their endeavor. It was also a coincidence that the visit took place at the time of Chairman Xu Jingren's 70s birthday. Powell presented the Beatle's Yesterday to cheer the audience.