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National Institute for Food and Drug Control held quality management forum in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
Author: Date:2013/12/11 16:59:00 Read:2163
            Li Yunlong (right third), Party Secretary-General and Director of National Institute for Food and Drug Control,
                                 and his delegates visit Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's central testing laboratory

                               Li Yunlong (left third) listens to the introduction of No.2 Workshop of Solid Preparation

                                    Li Yunlong exchanges views with corporate representatives and business leaders

During the educational and practical activities of carrying the Chinese Communist Party's mass route, National Institute for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) was responsible for the issue of changing the style of work, getting closer the public, improving the standards of service, ensuring testing quality, etc. Li Yunlong, party secretary-general and the director of the NIFDC visited Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group along with 21 quality management principals from Chinese pharmaceutical companies. During the visit, they held a forum on quality management, which gathered opinions and advice on how to strengthen the connection between companies and institutes, improve service and efficiency, ensure quality from the source and ensure the public safety on food and drug. Yu Shanjun, the Vice Director of Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration, Zhao Yunyan, Director of Taizhou Food and Drug Bureau, and Xu Jingren, Chairman of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, attended the forum.
During the forum, participants took active part in the discussion on topics such as the procurement and standardization of reference substance, training of testing staff in companies, trimming of testing periods, organization of exchange and study among quality principals, the licensing of quality management staff, the uniform of auxiliary material for medicine, etc. Some delegates suggested building up a special forum in the National Institute for Food and Drug Control to provide a platform to exchange ideas and offer video guidance on the operation of testing. Some delegates suggested the NIFDC formulate publicity materials which could specify rules on the details of laboratories and offer guiding principles for companies to follow. As for the testing of microbiological or bacteria-free methods, some representatives suggested that the NIFDC could provide some guiding and mature methods on bacteria-controlling preparation to companies so that the companies could avoid more mistakes. Some delegates proposed that, they could build a perfect laboratory evaluation system which shared the high-rated companies' information to relevant platforms to share the practice and experience, given the unevenly distributed prowess of operation service and the differences among companies. Li Yunlong noted while listening to the proposals and suggestion and answered questions raised by the participants.
After hearing the opinions from the participants, Li Yunlong pointed out how good quality was born through design and production. A company, he said, was the principal of quality control. At present, the NIFDC has collected the contact information of quality management principals from up to 5,000 pharmaceutical companies. He also said that it was the priorities of the NIFDC to improve the national quality guarantees system, strengthen cooperation and link, and conduct effective testing, inspection and quality control required by companies. To adapt to the monitoring and service of drug inspection under the new circumstances, the NIFDC would continue sticking to good working style, ensuring service, promoting the practice of good corporate quality management and exchange on it, setting up forums by different categories, and applying modeled management on quality issues in order to bring the quality management of Chinese companies closer to international standards. Li Yunlong also noted that the communication of quality guarantee system was crucial, and we should discuss the issue that the company's quality management inspectors should work only with license from the perspective of rules of law, analyze the problems spotted from the random check and super visional check, help companies find the causes and improve the craftsmanship. As to the question whether the quality equipment standards of a company's guarantee division and testing laboratory could be learnt from the standards by the NIFDC, Li said the auxiliary material of medicine and medicine testing shall be studied as a special topic. Li stressed that the NIFDC should continue to facilitate the service to companies and enhance its efficiency, and refrain from marketization of the contrast products and culture medium. The NIFDC should take the needs of companies as No.1 signal when supplying manufacturing and preparation equipment, communicate with the companies in advance and prevent companies from purchasing goods from non-designated places. The NIFDC would continue to enhance the building of training and practice bases. The staff from the NIFDC and the staff from companies should enhance the level of service and the efficiency of service by technical exchange, learning from each other and common improvement.
During the interview by journalists, Li Yunlong said: the forum in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was a response to President Xi Jinping's claim that we should keep in touch with the general public, be connected with the reality, and sticking to the highest interest of the mass. It was the NIFDC's action to conduct practice in the mass route, change the style of work in the NIFDC, get down to the community-level, listen to the opinions and dreams of companies, do a better job, help companies improve the level of testing, ensure the quality of medicine from the start, safeguard the safe use of medicine and safeguard the public health. YRPG, he said, was a leading force in China's national pharmaceutical industry, taking the lead particularly in the guaranteeing of quality, improvement of quality and philosophies of quality. In the management of quality and building of labs, YRPG was generous in investment and has made remarkable achievement, being a paradigm in quality control for its Chinese counterparts. The NIFDC has established a training and internship base in YRPG since 2009, which was running well and making steady progress in recent years. This forum, held in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, availed the representatives of pharmaceutical companies the opportunities of experiencing the quality management philosophies of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, the establishment of quality management system and the capacity building of quality guaranteeing system. Such an experience could guide companies to enhance the quality standards on medicine, enhance the awareness on quality and strengthen the self-discipline on the production and quality management so that they could learn from each other, draw on each other's strength and improve at the same time. This forum was of vital and profound importance.
Xu Jingren, Chairman of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, attended the forum. He expressed welcome and thanks to the representatives of pharmaceutical companies of the NIFDC. The participants of the forum visited around Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's modern raw material high rack warehouse, No.2 Workshop of Solid Preparation and the Central Testing Laboratory of YPRG. The visitors were deeply impressed by the excellent factory, quality and management.