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Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group held the 2013 Mid-year Working Conference
Author: Date:2013/11/22 21:22:00 Read:1980

Seeking good performance in a steady manner and charging forward through reform and transformation
The site of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group holding 2013 Mid-year Working Conference


                                                    All participants stand up hearing Spring of Yangtze River

                      Xu Jingren reports at the conference as the Chairman of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group

                         Mayor Xu Guoping comments on the development of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group

                                   Ji Shouru, Deputy Party Secretary-General presents awards to delegates

                                Advanced units, excellent managers, labor models and pacemakers are awarded

Fruits can be harvested through hard working and dreams can be realized through passion. Delighted to the fact that half of the goals were attained by half year, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group held the 2013 mid-year conference in the international convention center in the afternoon of June 30 to review the achievement of the past half year, deploy the works of the second half year, and charging forward for the annual goals. Xu Guoping, Mayor of Taizhou and Vice Party Secretary-General, Wang Jian, Deputy Director of Taizhou National People's Congress Standing Committee and Secretary-General of Gaogang District, Yang Jie, Vice Mayor of Taizhou, and Xu Jingren, Chairman of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, attended the conference. Xu Jingren reported to the conference the work of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and Xu Guoping commented on the report.

Xu Jingren, on behalf of Party commission of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and the headquarters of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, made the working report titled Invigorating Through Reform and Transformation, Seeking Steady Progress in Market Expansion, and Working Hard to Fulfill the Annual Goals. In face of the complex and changeable conditions both in China and in the world since the beginning of this year, the competition in drug market was extremely fierce with low drug -price bidding and sharp reduction of price for drugs. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group faced up to the challenges, overcame the hardship, explored the market, conducted research and development of new products at the same time and gain new heights in sales and operation. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's sales and profit and tax grew by 16.68% and 12.19% on the first half, hitting historic new height. The Company won Excellent Chinese Company for Social Responsibility, Jiangsu Model Company for Management Innovation, Jiangsu Good Quality Award, Jiangsu Unit for Satisfactory Service, etc. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was also in the 23rd place of Top100 Jiangsu National Tax Payers and was among the top three in the Top 100 National Pharmaceutical Companies for four consecutive years.

Xu Jingren reviewed the work of the past half year from eight aspects: strengthening academic marketing, stepping up research and development of new products, promoting efficiency-oriented production management, improving safety guarantee system, enhancing the building of human resources team, enforcing management innovation, promoting rapid growth of subsidiaries, and carrying forward outstanding corporate culture. He also analyzed and reflected on the problems of the work in the first half year. Xu Jingren pointed out that, on the first half of 2013, the employees of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group worked hard to enhance management, expand market by innovation and reform, seek steady progress, focus on strengthening product structure and key products and thus realized robust growth in adverse economic situation.

Xu Jingren stressed that though Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group had maintained good performance in the first half of 2013, the speed of development still lagged behind its competitors and the Company faced more difficult tasks for development in the next half. The whole company shall work hard, shoulder the responsibility, follow the latest development of market, laws and regulations, seek measures and transformation and ensure sustainable operation and scientific development with improved passion and more pragmatic approaches.
Xu Jingren further defined the overall goals and requirements for the second half: implementing the spirit of 18th Party congress, taking realizing Chinese Dream as the mission, making surpassing counterparts' growth as the goals, using innovation, R&D, restructuring of products as the priorities, implementing the strategy of three-medicines in production simultaneously, introducing high-end personnel, bringing more high-end products to markets, regulating the management, enhancing the efficiency and benefits, closing the gap between its quality and international standards, nurturing model companies, promoting the growth of subsidiaries in competition, optimizing the promotion system, occupying the market in AAA hospitals, filling market gaps, strengthening retailing ends, and ensuring that sales and profit and tax of the whole year grow by 20%.

For the concrete steps of the second half, Xu Jingren stressed eight tasks for the Company:
Promote the Company through pragmatic approaches and carry forward the spirit of hard work.
Introduce high-end and elite personnel to promote the entry of new products to market
Unlock the potential of AAA hospitals and fill gaps in the market to realize new growth in sales
Improving management and quality standards to consolidate competitive edges
Enhance the building of programs and the potentials for continued growth
Improve the awareness of competition and help subsidiaries move for further growth
Improve international trade and step up the process of going global
Improving the cultural content and repay the society

On behalf of Party Commission and Municipal Government, Xu Guoping, the Mayor, expressed his congratulation to Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and his hopes for the development in the second half and the future years. Xu Guoping encouraged Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group to continue to expand its vision, adjust its strategic goals and seek wider and deeper development.

He hoped that Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group could make more breakthrough in research and development of new products, strengthen the competitiveness and market appeal; seek breakthrough in market expansion, charging forward in hospital business and retailing business; seek breakthrough in introducing high-end personnel to promote the higher-grade development of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group; seek breakthrough in catching up with global market so as to build Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group an international company with advanced management, good quality, excellent corporate culture and sound brand image.

The advanced groups, excellent managers, sales models and pacemakers, labor models, and technical pacemakers in the first half were awarded during the conference.