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Fulfilling the Responsibility and Actively Contributing to the Ideas and Advices – Xu Jingren attended the First Session of the 12th National People's Congress
Author: Date:2013/11/22 20:51:00 Read:2035
                  On March 3, Li Yuanchao, commissioner of Central Political Bureau, meets Jiangsu Delegates,
                                                              shakes hands, and talked with Xu Jingren.

                               On March 4, Xu Jingren attends the 5th Voice-Responsibility – the forum for delegates
                                                             in 5th Two Sessions in the pharmaceutical industry

                         Xu Jingren delivers a keynote speech titled Encouraging and Supporting Good-Quality 
                Pharmaceutical Companies during the Voice-Responsibility Forum for Two Sessions delegates.

   Xu Jingren's photo with other delegates during the Voice-Responsibility Forum for Two Sessions delegates

                                                         Xu Jingren steps out of the People's Hall after listening to
                                                         Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report on March 5.

                           Xu Jingren attends the forum for Two Sessions delegates in pharmaceutical industry,
                                                which is held by China Pharmaceutical News on March 12

Spring is in the air in March, a month when everything is returning to life. Xu Jingren, as the 10th, 11th and 12th National People's Congress representative, went to the People's Hall of Beijing, the capital, to perform his duty as a people's representative with his new hope and thinking on the development of pharmaceutical industry.

Before the opening of National People's Congress, Xu Jingren attended the 5th Voice-Responsibility- 2013 Forum for National People's Congress and CPPCC Member in Pharmaceutical Industry, which was hosted by 24 associations including Chinese Pharmaceutical Company Association. During the forum, Xu Jingren discussed the prospect of pharmaceutical industry and hotspot issues with the other 40 Two Sessions representatives and leaders from National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Health, National Food and Drug Administration, etc. Xu Jingren made a keynote speech on Encouraging and Supporting Good-Quality Pharmaceutical Companies. He said that at present the strength of quality management of medicines in China's pharmaceutical industry was not evenly distributed, and the government should take necessary measures to encourage companies to improve the quality of products through new policies. He suggested that it was necessary to improve the weight of quality in the bidding and procurement procedures of medicines, demonstrate the principles of good price for good quality, price for equal quality, encourage companies to step up implementing new GMP, improve the GMP level of the whole industry, promote the flow of innovative resources to good companies, and step up nurturing large national pharmaceutical companies.

In the morning on March 5, Xu Jingren listened attentively to Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report in People's Hall. Two days after the event, he and the delegates and the members gathered together to review the government's work report. He said that this year's government work report confirmed the great achievement and progress made by China over the past five years; it pointed out the difficulties and problems in the current social and economic development. At the same time, the report presented a scientific analysis of the favorable conditions and great opportunities and put forward reliable and feasible measures. The report, he said, was a clearly-targeted and forward-looking reporting with navigating effect. As to the content of supporting traditional Chinese medicine and national pharmaceutical industry, Xu Jingren was deeply impressed. He thought that this content signaled strongly to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and national medical industry and brought more confidence to pharmaceutical companies in China. He said Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's growth, expansion and huge achievement over the 40 years were not possible without development of traditional Chinese medicine and national medicine. Premier Wen's report concerned about the traditional Chinese medicine and national medicine and expressed the wishes of representatives of pharmaceutical industry. The spirit of the report should be studied and well-understood to work with the upgraded of companies in a fast yet steady manner. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group should continue to carry forward the philosophies of seeking progress all the time and safeguarding health for all human beings and the principles of benefiting the public through good quality and innovation, fulfill the Company's social responsibilities and provide medicines of good quality and service to the society.

March 12 is the only day off during the Two Sessions. However, representatives gave up their rest time and gathered together to participate in the forum between State Food and Drug Administration and Two Sessions Representatives. This was an important conference prior to the upcoming adjustment of State Food and Drug Administration and the reform of State Council organizations. The Two Sessions representatives actively exchanged their views on hot issues of GMP certification, new medicine research and development and review and evaluation. Xu Jingren pointed out that the new GMP was a crucial step in improving the quality management of companies and ensuring the safety of medicines. He expressed staunch support for the stringent standards on the new GMP certification by the state. He advocated that companies should carry out the new GMP certification and be the No.1 responsible part for medicine safety. During the election of key personnel in the National People's Congress, Xu Jingren participated in the initial conference of the delegation and team and voted to be responsible for people, the Party, and the country.

Outside the Two Sessions, Xu Jingren was interviewed by CCTV and China Pharmaceutical News. He expressed his thoughts and plans in response to state policies and industrial development. He said he would continue to follow the implementation on proposals in pharmaceutical industry and would come up with newer and more pragmatic proposals in next year's sessions.