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Publication of Corporate Environmental Information of 2012 by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
Author: Date:2013/11/22 20:14:00 Read:1767
Thanks to the support and care by Environmental Protection Bureau of Taizhou and Gaogang District, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was obeying the environmental laws and regulations, ensuring the smooth operation of its environmental facilities and making sure that it meets standards in discharging all pollutants in 2012. There was no mail complaint or administrative penalties from environmental administrative. Now the Corporate Environmental Information was published as follows:
  1. Corporate principles on environmental protection, goals and results
  2. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's principles on environmental protection: "observe the environmental laws and regulation; prevent pollution; ensure continuous improvement; improve management performance"
  3. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's goals for environmental protection: 100% standard for waste water discharge; 100% standard for exhaust emission; 100% standard for noise discharge; 100% standard for treatment of solid waste.
  4. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's environmental protection targets are neighboring Zhangma Village, Chengdong Village, Jiangsu Kunlun Lighting Material Co., Ltd., and Wangyingzhonggou Stream that flows past the factory. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group boasts a beautiful environment and moderately comfortable climate. All the environmental facilities are running smoothly and meeting environmental standards. There has not been complaint or punishment by the environmental bureau. None of the Company's operation and activities has any impact on the environmental protection goals.
  5. The total energy consumption of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
  6. Annual total use of water is 1,180,800 tons in 2012, electricity 41,734,776 kilo water hours, steam 134, 207 tons; the comprehensive energy consumption is 19,870.5257 tons of standard coal.
  7. Comprehensive energy consumption per unit: 73.8 tons of standard coal in 2012 per 10,000 pieces; the comprehensive energy consumption in 2012was lower by 14.53% to 2011.
  8. Comprehensive water consumption per unit: 4382.25 ton per 10,000 pieces in 2012; water consumption was down by 27.77% from 2012 to 2011.
  9. YRGP's investment on environmental protection
No. Subject Amount Total Note:
1 Disposal of medical waste and waste medicine and material 75.1928 tons 210,050 yuan Entrusted Taizhou Yuxin Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd.
2 Waste light tube with mercury content 4950 tubes 10,9 yuan Entrusted Yixing Sunan Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment and Utilization Factory
2 Waste water management 780,475 tons 3,268,400 yuan Waste Water Treatment Station for No2 Public Engineering Workshop
3 Environmental monitoring / 30,000 yuan Entrusted Taizhou Environmental Monitoring Center
4 Garbage treatment in factories / 38,000 yuan Entrusted Gaogang District Environmental Bureau for disposal
5 Vegetation and maintenance in factories / 17,934,000yuan Rugao Landscape and Gardening Construction Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Tenglong Green Co., Ltd.
  1. Types, Number, Density and Destination of Pollutants by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
Table for Types, Number, Density and Destination of Pollutants by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
Name of Pollutant Item 2012
COD Actual Discharge (ton/year) 27.83
Discharge Allowed by Taizhou Environmental Bureau (ton/year) 58.9
Actual Density of Discharge (mg/L) 35.66
Execute Standard(mg/L) ≦60
SS Actual Discharge (ton/year) 8.19
Discharge Allowed by Taizhou Environmental Bureau (ton/year) N/A
Actual Density of Discharge (mg/L) 10.5
Execute Standard(mg/L) ≦30
Ammonia Nitrogen Actual Discharge (ton/year) 0.1
Discharge Allowed by Taizhou Environmental Bureau (ton/year) 9.8
Actual Density of Discharge (mg/L) 0.13
Execute Standard(mg/L) ≦10
pH Actual Density of Discharge (mg/L) 7.08
Execute Standard(mg/L) 6~9
Total Waste Water Discharge (ton) 780475
Destination for Waste Water Discharge: Wangyingzhonggou Stream
  1. The construction and operation of environmental facilities in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group
  2. The No.2 Waste Water Discharge Station for No.2 Public Engineering Workshop by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group can dispose 3,900 tons per day, and the water treated by the station can meet thePollutant Standards for Mixed Preparation Pharmaceutical Industrial Waste Water (GB29908-2008 Table 2) before discharge.
  3. Disposal of Solid Waste
  4. Types of solid waste: generally speaking, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group generates general waste and hazardous waste; general waste falls into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
  5. Disposal of solid waste:recyclable waste is sold to competent units by the recycling department of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group; non-recyclable waste is submitted to Gaogang Environmental Bureau for treatment; hazardous waste (for instance: medicine waste, waste medicine and material, and muds are entrusted to Taizhou Yuxin Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd. for treatment; waste tubes are entrusted by Yixing Sunan Solid Waste Disposal and Use Factory) is submitted to competent unit for disposal.
  6. Amount of Waste Solid
No. Name of Waste Unit 2012 Methods of Waste Treatment
1 Mud ton 11.89  
Entrusted Taizhou Yuxin Solid Waste Treatment Co., Ltd. for disposal
2 Waste Medicine and Materials ton 42.5
3 Waste Light Tube ton 0.5513
4 Waste Machine Oil ton 2.23
5 Organic Solvent Waste ton 5.35
6 Household Garbage ton 580 Treated collectively by district environmental bureau
7 Recyclable Waste (waste paper, waste metal, waste plastic, waste glass) ton 1449.05 Sold to competent units collectively
  1. Comprehensive Utilization of Solid Waste
Year Amount Utilization Utilization Rate Disposal Disposal Rate Comprehensive Utilization Rate
2012年 2091.55 1449.05 69.3% 642.5 30.7% 100%