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Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group held 2012 End-of-Year Annual Conference
Author: Date:2013/11/19 12:52:00 Read:1963
                                         YRPG's Chairman Xu Jingren delivers the work report at the conference

                         Zhang Lei, Party Secretary-General of Taizhou, delivers keynote speech at the conference

                                              Leaders of Taizhou present awards to excellent sales departments

                                                            Xu Jingren presents awards to excellent subsidiaries

                                                                                 Excellent sales companies are awarded

                                          Advanced groups in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group are awarded

                                        The End-of-Year Banquet hosted by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group

On December 31, a few days since President Hu Jintao's visit, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group held the end-of-year annual conference in 2012 to review the work in the past year, review President Hu Jintao's spirit and to plan for more goals in the coming year.

The international conference hall that could hold 2000 people were filled with the scent of festival and decorated with lights. Employee representatives from different fields and departments of the Company gathered to listen to reports by Xu Jingren, review their growth along with the ups and downs of the Company. Zhang Lei, Party Secretary-General of Taizhou, Yang Jie, Vice Mayor of Taizhou, and Wang Jian, Party Secretary-General of Gaogang District, attended the conference.

Xu Jingren made the work report titled Reforming the Management, Innovating the Research and Development, Releasing New Products, Optimizing Quality to Make New Progress for Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group in Protecting All Human Beings on behalf of the Party commission of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and headquarters. The report reviewed the work of the past year, the problems and deficiencies, the overall goals for the next year and its deployment.

In 2012, facing the mounting pressure of economic slowdown in China and the globe and the test of upgrade, limit on antibiotics and new trust policies of hospitals for pharmaceutical industries, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group adopted scientific decisions, improved quality in optimization and create vigor in reform and innovation, thus making unexpected achievement in all works. The sales and profit and tax of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group grew by 19% and 28% respectively and the Company was the biggest winner of first prize in National Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team Results for eight consecutive years, won National Excellent Company for Performance and Business Model, No.1 of Top 100 Companies in Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry, Technical Innovation Prize for Jiangsu Companies, Jiangsu Advanced Community-Level Communist Party Organization, Mayor of Taizhou Quality Prize, etc. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was also among the top three of Top 100 Pharmaceutical Companies rank, Fortune 500 China and Top 100 Taxpayer of Jiangsu.

More inspiring was the visit by President Hu Jintao on December 27. The President was glad to see the achievement by the Company of his hometown. He encouraged the Company to further enhance its innovation, improve its quality so as to better serve the general public. He encouraged the Company to continue to be the leading force in pharmaceutical industry and go global. President Hu's care and encouragement was a boost of confidence to Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, which was on its way of achieving the goals of the 12th Five-Year Plan and the next year.

Xu Jingren's report reviewed the whole year's work from sales, research and development, production guarantee, quality control, personnel introduction and development, internal management and control, the development of subsidiaries and the cultural of Communist Party Organization. The report not only pointed out the achievement of the past whole year but also the deficiencies in a manner that was both pragmatic and down-to-earth. When talking about the plan for the next year, Mr. Xu said that Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group would continue to see the development in the light of the spirit of the 18th Party Conference, implement the spirit of Central Government and Jiangsu Provincial Working Conferences, and grasp the trend of reform, innovation, steady and prudent progress, sound and fast development in achieving group's 12th Five Year Plan. The Company would carry forward the ideas of "always seeking progress and safeguarding health for all human beings", following the values of benefiting the public with quality and innovation, press forward management reform, rapidly bring up the level of research and innovation, intensity the effort to build the sales and marketing system, promote the development of subsidiaries, accelerate the progress of going international, and work hard to overfulfill the goals set for the whole year. Then, he listed the concrete plans and steps in nine aspects for the next year and specified the concrete requirements.

Zhang Lei expressed his congratulation on behalf of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He said that every year when he took part in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group's annual conference, he would be glad to see such a company on its way upward with each passing day and with a team of vigorous personnel. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group is a good example of Taizhou's scientific development and transformational leap. He hoped the Company could continue to build core competitiveness, accelerate its international progress in the fierce market competition, write new chapters of glory and continue to be the leader of companies based in Taizhou.

The conference awarded the advanced groups, managers, labor models, technical models and excellent individuals. Leaders presented awards and certificates to the winners.