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YRPG Wins The Happiest Enterprises of Jiangsu of2011-2012
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:28:00 Read:2129
On July 21, Jiangsu Enterprise Management Annual Meeting for 2012 and the 2nd Jiangsu Entrepreneur Academy Award was held in Nanjing. This meeting was launched by 14 universities, including School of Business of Nanjing University, School of Economics & Management of Southeast University, School of Business of Nanjing Normal University, Business School of Hohai University, and School of Business of Jiangnan University. The meeting was undertaken by Sushang Media Co., Ltd. Ten enterprises,includingYRPG,were awarded "The Happiest Enterprises of Jiangsu of2011-2012". YRPG was the sole company of Taizhou to winthe honor. Ding Jiemin, Deputy Director of Jiangsu People's Congress, Bao Guoxin, Vice-chairman of Jiangsu Political Consultative Conference, and other officers attended the awarding ceremony.
Xu Haoyu, Vice-chairman and Deputy General Manager of YRPG, accepted the award and delivered the acceptance speech. He said that YRPG enterprise principle was "Seeking progress all the time, safeguarding all human beings", in which the very core is "Greatest Love". YRPG deeplylovedforits patients and employees.
Happy businesswas not only a state, but also a management model. Enterprise with happiness ismore competitive. The Happiest Enterprises of2011-2012 Award conveyed tothe public what was happy business. Nurturinghappy business, advocating scientific methods, caring for employeesand respecting knowledge and talent have become YRPG's consensus. The pursuit of profit was no longer regarded as the only ultimate goal. Rather, employees'self-esteem and well-being werethe key to thelong-lasting success for business.
Over the years, YRPG has been continuing to invest to protect employees' basic rights and interests. It also inspires, trains and promotes itsemployees. Itcarriesout employee activities toshare with employees the fruits of enterprise development. YRPG has been awarded National Model Employee Home National Civilized Unit, Excellent and Advanced Party Organizations of National Non-Public Enterprises and other honors. Group developed the National Model Employee Home, and actively carried out a variety of staff recreational activities. These activities enhancedthe sense of identity and responsibility among staff, created a warm and harmonious corporate culture, and rendered staff the feel of corporate family. "YRPG, my lovely home", plain and simple words delivered by ordinary employees best spoke the happy YRPG.