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YRPGDonated PLA and People's Armed Police Medicine of RMB 2,700,000
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:26:00 Read:2178
"Many thanks for your generous donation", soldiers of the Honor Guard of PLAsaid to YRPG officers when acceptingthe medicine of RMB 100,000 from YRPG at the Honor Guard Station of PLA on July 27. It was the 15th successive medicine donation that Beijing Sales Company of YRPG gave to Honor Guard of PLA inBeijing. As the 85thanniversaryof PLA neared, YRPG was extensively carrying out army support activities through its nationwide network. YRPG has donated medicine of RMB 2,700,000 to the PLA and armed police (hospitals), which has extended sincere affection to our most lovable soldiers, resumingYRPG'sdecades-long traditionof supportingPLA.
YRPG hasclose tie with the Honor Guard of PLA. It has been the 15th year since YRPG started medicine donation since 1998. This welcome donation includedsuch cardiovascular and antibiotic medicines as Ginkgo Leaf Tablets, Lanqin Oral Solution, Cefradine Capsules, Extended Release Nifedipine Tabletsand Enalapril Tablets, whichtargetedcommon ocular diseases during army training. On July 26, Nangang Sales Company of YRPG went to Ganyu County of Liangyuangang to donate the local armed police medicine of RMB 100,000 and extending greetings for anniversary. Accordingly, to express gratitude, Lianyungang Detachment of Jiangsu Armed Police Corps gaveYRPG a pennant reading "Deeply friendship between army and civilian like family affection"
YRPG has longtraditions in army support. Since 1995, YRPG started medicine donation nationwide before every Army Day. Seeing off the departureof PLA Hong Kong Garrison; visiting the soldiers stationed on Xisha Islands; holding large-scale public benefit activities of army support; donate to building the flag station which signifying territorial sovereignty, establishing relationships with Beijing Honor Guard of PLA and Taizhou Naval Vessel. YRPG staff has been constantly carryingout army support activities and donated medicine and materials worthRMB 50,000,000, another demonstration of patriotism and army support.