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TheSecond General Assembly of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry & Summit Forum was Heldin Nanjing
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:26:00 Read:2575
Opening of Second General Assembly of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry & Summit Forum on Pharmaceutical Industry Development
Xu Haoyu, Vice Chairman of YRPG, is elected president of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry Association. Xu Haoyu is reporting tothe Association.
Chairman Xu Jingren, Vice Chairman Xu Haoyu and provincial leaders are granting certificates and medals for advanced enterprises and units.
The Second General Assembly of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry & Summit Forum on Pharmaceutical Industry Development was held in Nanjing on August 11. Ding Jiemin,Vice Director of Jiangsu Standing Committee of NPC, Shi Heping,Vice Governor of Jiangsu, Xu Jingren,General Manager of YRPG, and Xu Haoyu,Vice Chairman and Vice General Manager, attended the meeting.
At the meeting, Vice Governor Shi Heping extended congratulations to the opening of Second General Assembly of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry on behalf of Provincial Party Committee. He pointed out that Jiangsu was a key base for pharmaceutical production and research, and that pharmaceutical industry was a major industry in Jiangsu. Global pharmaceutical technology innovation and research and development are progressing with each passing day. Transnational pharmaceutical enterprises are expanding incredibly fast. People's demand for highly-effective and cheap pharmaceutical service is growing steadily. Facing new opportunities and challenges, pharmaceutical industry should bring new ideas, enhance self-innovative capacity, strive to improve qualities of products, promote the integrated competitiveness of enterprises, and spare no efforts to expand markets at home and abroad. He expected that the Association could well perform its role as leader of the industry, communicator with government departments, and spokesman for enterprises with membership, making constructive contributions to the sound and fast development of pharmaceutical industry.
Regulations and Conventions of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry and otherhuman resources issues were discussed orapproved at the meeting. Xu Haoyu, Vice Chairman of YRPG, was elected president of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry Association. President Xu Haoyu gave a workings report of the Association in the past five years. He said that in the past five years, the Association had implemented the important instructions of Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on pharmaceutical development and work of the Association, had been under the guidance of scientific outlook on development, centered on the development of pharmaceutical industry, and given full play to the functional role of the Association, making satisfactory achievements on all fronts. The Association was awarded Advanced Unit among Jiangsu Social Organization with Thorough Learning and Practicing of Scientific Outlook on Development and Five-star Association of Industry. Xu Haoyu noted in the report that the new Association of Pharmaceutical Industry should implement instructions fromProvincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, accelerate development of pharmaceutical industry, give constructive advice to the Government, and give better play to the social function and role of the Association; it should place emphasis on the publication and education in pharmaceutical industry and vigorously promote cultural construction of pharmaceutical industry; it should duly strengthen the statistics and information work and provide reference for scientific decision-making of the government and enterprises; it should duly strengthen self-discipline within the industry and comprehensively promote the construction of credit system; it should duly strengthen membership management and construction of the Association, promoting the reform and development of the Association.
For enhancedcooperation between pharmaceutical industry and higher institutes, Vice Director Ding Jiemin inaugurated off-campus practice base for college students of School of International Pharmaceutical Business of China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) exclusively set up by Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry Association. He also announced the documents about creditable enterprise of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry Association and decisions to award advanced units in statisticalwork. Chairman Xu Jinren and leaders of Jiangsu Province conferredcertificates and medals to advanced enterprises and units.