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List of National Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in 2011 was Announced – YRPG among Top 3
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:25:00 Read:3726
List of National Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in 2011
Xu Haoyu, Vice President and Deputy General Manager of YRPG, attended the meeting and acceptedthe award.
Photos of representatives from top 10 enterprises
From August 17, 2012 to August 19, 2012 andwith the theme of "Innovation as Duty, Winning by Wits", 2012 (the 29th) National Pharmaceutical Industry Information Annual Meeting was held in Nanjing. The meeting was jointly held by China Pharmaceutical Industry Information Center and China Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management Association. At the meeting, specialists from government, pharmaceutical industry and enterprises discuss on current issues such as strengthening independent innovation, valuing drug safety and focusingmore onemerging markets etc. They wereseekingdevelopmentof national pharmaceutical industry in post medical reform era.
Yu Mingde, Chairman of China Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management Association, announced the list of National Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in 2011. Enterprises among top 10 are: Guangzhou Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Xiuzheng Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group (YRPG), Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pharmaceutical Holding Co., Ltd., CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Limited, North China Pharmaceutical Group Corp. (NCPC), Weigao Holding Company Limited, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation and Bayer Health Care Co., Ltd. Xu Haoyu, Vice President and Deputy General Manager of YRPG, accepted the reward. In addition, the meeting also announced lists of Top 10 Industrial Enterprises with the Best Development Product Line in 2011andTop 10 Industrial Enterprises with the Most Investment Value in 2011, which encouraged more pharmaceutical enterprises to step up effort.
Mr. Zhou Bin, Director of Statistics Committee of China Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management Association and Chairman of General Research Institute of pharmaceutical industry, addressed the meeting. He reviewed the development of pharmaceutical industry, specified current development trends and gave best wishes to its future development. Wu Haidong, Sub-ministry Department vice Chief of Consumption Goods Industrial Department under Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Zheng Hong, Sub-ministry Department Chief of Pharmaceutical Affairs Department under Ministry of Health and Yu Mingde, Chairman of China Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management Association etc. shared with participants the latest medical reform trendand China's economy operation. They aimed to seek development directions for pharmaceutical industry and find new growth points.
The ranking was made according to strict and normative procedures based on sales incomes from main operations of national pharmaceutical industrial enterprises. On the whole, enterprises on the list hadmore breakthroughs compared to those on last year's list. Income from main operations was RMB 464,772,000,000, which increasedby 15.35%. All enterprises on the list showedwith good economic benefits and rapid growth.