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YRPG Won Best Factory Magazine Award and Excellent Factory Newspaper and Magazine Award in the First National Competition of Factory Publications in Pharmaceutical Enterprises
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:24:00 Read:2136
The grand summary meetingof The First National Appraisal of Excellent Factory Publications in Pharmaceutical Enterprises 2012 was held atBeijing Zhongyuan Hotel on August 25, 2012, supported by the Policy and Regulation Division of State Food and Drug Administration and sponsored byChina Pharmaceutical News. The awarding meeting was attended by Liu Pei, Chief of the Policy and Regulation Division of State Food and Drug Administration, Fang Shuting, former Vice Director of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the President of China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yan Hui, President of China Pharmaceutical News, Wang Shuo, President and Chief Editor ofHealth News and Chen Guiting, President of China News of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as other leaders and distinguished guests. More than 200 representatives of factory newspapers and magazines of large pharmaceutical groups gathered here and exchanged the experience and practices of carrying forward leading corporate culture, enhancing cultural taste of employees and building harmonious enterprises. Zhuang Yichun, Director of the News Center of the Group, attended the awarding meeting and made a speech on behalf of the award-winning enterprises.
On the basis of successive recommendations, China Pharmaceutical News organized relevant experts to review the first appraisal of excellent factory newspapers and magazines of pharmaceutical enterprises across China. Through appraisal, 10 of more than 200 participating pharmaceutical enterprises across Chinaaccepted the Best Factory Newspaper Awards, 5 Best Factory Magazine Awards, 41 Excellent Factory Newspaper and Magazine Awards, 51 Superior Factory Newspaper and Magazine Awards and 10 Special Awards. Yangtze River magazine, sponsored by YRPG, stood out among the enterprise newspapers and magazines and wonthe Best Factory Magazine Award. Yangtze River News attained Excellent Factory Newspaper Award.
There are around 230 pharmaceutical enterprises running factory newspaper and magazines in the industry and about 160 enterprises that are able to continuously publish factory newspaper and magazines. Among these factory newspaper and magazines, the earliest factory newspaper was born in 1984, factory newspaper with the highest yield has released 1,450 issues, and the factory newspaper with the broadest presence has issued for 50,000 copies. The appraisal has been performed according to magazine category, foundingtime, circulation, total issues, columns and other standards. Yangtze River News and Yangtze River Pharmacy magazine were respectively foundedin 1994 and 2004. The Group runs newspaper and magazine in pace with the times and constantly making explorations and innovations in contents arrangement and format design. Up to now, the Group has made five major changeson format of factory newspaper and magazine. Yangtze River News has developed from black, bold and monotonous octavo small newspaper into exquisite, beautiful and vivid large color newspaper. Yangtze River Pharmacy learns upon running concept of fashion magazines and is arranged and printed by specialized plate-making companies and printing houses. Its contents and format are refreshing. Therefore, Yangtze River News and Yangtze River Pharmacy became the corporate culture communication model of the works participating in the appraisal and attracted attention and won praise of many experts and pharmaceutical enterprises.
China Pharmaceutical Newsalso held Training Seminar on Media Crisis and Public Relations on the morning of August 25. The participants mainly discussed how to build social image by ensuring pharmaceutical safety, the core of pharmaceutical industry culture, how to communicate with the media and the public, how to deal with publicity of emergency events and other issues that concerned enterprises. The training seminar was warmly received by the enterprise representatives.