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YRPG was Awarded with the Title of “Model Construction Unit for the Application of Internet of Things of Jiangsu Province”
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:23:00 Read:2028
At the Industrial Development and Promotion Meeting of the Internet of Things of Jiangsu Province held in Wuxi on May 12, 35 units including YRPG were awarded Model Construction Unit for the Application of Internet of Things of Jiangsu Province by the Economic & Information Commission of Jiangsu Province. YRPG was the only Jiangsu company to win this award in the pharmaceutical industry after winning Jiangsu Model Enterprise of the Integration of Informationization and Industrialization last year.
The main construction goal of Drug Lifecycle Retrospective System i.e. Application and Model Engineering Project of Intelligent Health Care Based on the Internet of Things, reported by YRPG in 2011, was a whole lifecycle retrospective system ranging from production, transportation, storage to sales management of hospitals for the tracking and monitoring of the safety and quality of products. Having won Model Construction Unit for the Application of Internet of Things of Jiangsu Province, the company has got special support fund of the Internet of Things worth RMB 4 million Yuan from the Jiangsu Economic and Information Commission.
The Group attached great importance to information technology and actively promoted the integration of informationization and industrialization to enhance its competitiveness. In recent 10 years, we continued to increase the investment in information construction, the annual investment was up to more than RMB 30 million yuan and the informatization was at full speed. Based on the enterprise software framework of Microsoft Corporation, we have built the basic system, including OA, mail system, information portals, instant messaging system and IT management system, etc.; the network extended to each computer within it and it was always ready to postinformation on the Internet everywhere. We have successfully developed warehousing and logistics software and hardware of high starting point based on computer system for operation and control, which can effectively guarantee the safety and quality of medicines stored. Therefore, we were the first company in the province to obtain the third-party medical logistic qualification license and be listed as the substituted storage base of combat readiness drugs. Management informationization (ERP) was characteristic of wide application and high integration, and ERP system has been successfully applied to core and important business including finance, sales, human resource, production, inspection, warehousing and procurement, etc. In recent years, we also positively responded to the requirements of the state and provincial food and drug administration on drug quality and safety supervision; we used new technologies of the Internet of Things to enhance the level of drug quality supervision and have completed the application of electronic monitoring codes of 18 pharmaceutical production lines, 18 varieties, 26 specifications and 44 packaging specifications a year earlier. In addition, the application of drug electronic monitoring code system of the Group has been listed as the model project by the provincial food and drug administration.
The application of informationization technology has minimized the production and management cost of YRPG so that we had more resources for independent innovation and drug quality control. At the same time, we improved the management level, got rid of the adverse impact of low level competition in the pharmaceutical industry in China gradually and promoted the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise by informationization means so that more patients could have access to safer and more effective quality drugs.