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YRPG Won Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Innovation Award
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:17:00 Read:1794
At the award meeting for JiangsuScience and Technology Award, YRPG was granted 2011 Enterprise Technology Innovation Award by the People's Government of Jiangsu Province.
Focusing on "Prosperity with Science and Development with Innovation", in recent years, YRPG has promoted the industry-university-research cooperation and established many research platforms and united laboratories includingnational-level enterprise technology center, new technology national key laboratoryfor preparation, and key laboratory for TCM quality control. YRPG input 3% to 5% of the sale income to innovation each year, which was used for scientific research site construction, platform construction, team establishment and project R & D etc. Besides, YRPG also introduced more than 10 high-level scientific research talents and comprehensive talents from the domestic and abroad, and near 100 doctors to establish a R & D team. All these has improved YRPG's research ability and level in innovative chemical pharmaceuticals, Chinese medicines, bio-pharmaceuticals, preparations and analysis, etc. Focusing on the R & D of innovative pharmaceuticals, the R & D institution of YRPG has near 100 projects in development. Two scientific and technological achievements won the Second Prizes for National Science and Technology Progress.
This was the first time to establish and grant the Enterprise Technology Innovation Award for 2011 Jiangsu science and technology awards. Enterprises' innovative achievements became the main awarded objects for science and technology awards. Innovation played a more important role. 19 enterprises in Jiangsu are among the first batch winning this award. These enterprises were all high-tech or innovative enterprises, whose innovative indicators such as innovative input and output benefits, R & D expensestook the lead in Jiangsu. In addition, among 200 first, second and third prizes for Jiangsu science and technology awards, 101 prizes were granted for enterprises, which was over 50%. Technology innovative enterpriseswere main winners of this award.