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YRPG's 40th Anniversary Ceremony was Held
Author: Date:2013/8/1 18:05:00 Read:1916
In October, YRPG celebrated its 40th anniversary. On October 5, the headquarters of YRPG was soaked in festive atmosphere, with multicolored decorations, flags waving, and drum music on. In the afternoon, YRPG 40th anniversary was held in Xinglin Square.
Hundreds of Chinese and foreign guests attended the anniversary, including Li Jiping, Deputy Director of State Food and Drug Administration, Li Daning, Deputy Director of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ding Jiemin, Vice Director of Jiangsu Standing Committee of NPC, Chen Baotian, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu CPPCC, Chen Kaixian, Member of National New Drug Research and Development Experts Committee, Mao Weiming, Director of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, Previous provincial leader Sun Anhua and Wu Ruilin, Xu Guoping, Mayor of Taizhou, Wang Jian, Gaogang District Secretary of CPC, and Xu Jingren, Chairman of Board of YRPG, witnessed glorious achievement over the past forty years.
The ceremony was hosted by Ji Shouru, Deputy Secretary of CPC and Vice General Manager of the Company, beginning with resounding Ode to YRPG and forty-gun salute. The screens laid in both sides of the platform broadcasted the spectacular event live.
The forty years is of achievements as well as of hardship. Xu Jingren looked back on the forty-year hardship in the report Fulfilling the Mission of Making YRPG a World-class Pharmaceutical Enterprise. He said that the forty-year history of development was a history of struggle supported by hard work and motivation, a history of exploration on innovation and preference and advantage formation, a history of creation for high quality to the benefit of people and pursuit of excellence, a history of devotion by undertaking responsibility and repaying society and a history of expansion with unity and insatiability. Over forty years, YRPG employees have been breaking working extremely hard to charge ahead, and becoming more mature through the battle against adversity. The enterprise expanded from several flat houses at the very beginning to today's modernized pharmaceutical enterprise with the construction area of 700,000 m2, and the total capital of over 10 billion yuan. The operation performance of the enterprise is continuously refreshed, sales of 1988 was over one hundred million yuan, sales of 1999 was over one billion yuan, sales of 2005 was over 10 billion yuan, and sales of 2010 was over 25 billion, which was a steady growth. The Company became No.1 among top 100 2009-201-Companies of National Pharmaceutical Industry, and won hundreds of national, provincial and municipal honors including National Certificate of Merit on Labor Day, Top Ten in National Self-Innovation Industry, China No. 1 Brand with Customers' Satisfaction in Quality. Over the forty years, YGPG has always been emphasizing technological innovation, seeing quality as lifeline, and keeping a balance between development and repaying the society. The accumulated tax payment is over 10 billion yuan. YRPG has over ten thousand employees. It has donated over 300 million to the society, performing its due responsibility as an excellent pharmaceutical industry.
This year is also the milestone in the 40-year development of YRPG and the start of a new journey to becoming a world-class pharmaceutical enterprise. Xu Jingren drew an inspiring blueprint of the future of YRPG. He said that the Company should adopt motivation from innovation and high quality to the benefit of people as the value orientation and fundamental strategy in the new round of development, take the high-end oriented, large scale and centralized development road, vigorously implement the five engineering strategy, that is, enterprise expansion through talents, research & development and innovation, high quality to the benefit of people, sales reform and management globalization, striving for sales of over 50 billion yuan and approaching 100 billion at the end of the twelfth five year, and expanding YRPG to be a pharmaceutical enterprise with international competitiveness.
Li Jiping said that YRPG has rapidly grown to be the leading enterprise in national pharmaceutical industry, made outstanding contributions to the prosperity of national medicine and become a banner in the front of pharmaceutical industry. YRPG should seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for development, speed up the transformation of development mode, exert efforts improve innovation ability, further strengthen the enterprise, and strive to ascend to the club of international giants.
Li Daning said that Chinese medicine was the traditional treasure of China, and it's mission of the times for us to carry forward Chinese medicine to the world market. YRPG should hold high the banner of prosperity of Chinese medicine, construct first-rate domestic industry base and scientific research highland, prepare more safe, highly-effective, stable and controllable modern Chinese medicine with complete quality standard and clear effectiveness organism, make active contribution to promoting Chinese medicine to international market, and help all human beings benefit from Chinese medicine.
Chen Baotian said that over forty years, under the guidance of Chairman Xu Jingren, YRPG employees have carried forward the entrepreneurship of perseverance, progress and insatiability, held high the banner of seeking progress, protecting public health, serving the country and prospering national medicine, made remarkable progress, and made active contributions to national pharmaceutics. YRPG should hold on to the people-oriented concept, strengthen quality management, and strengthen the brand construction, presenting a more dazzling image.
Xu Guoping, on behalf of the municipal government, made a speech. He said that over forty years, YRPG has gone through hardship, growing to a modern pharmaceutical enterprise. YRPG should hold high the banner of high quality and innovation to the benefit of people, honest operation and contribution to society, seek progress with a broader vision, carry forward the pioneering spirit of YRPG, proactively participate in the international competition, and forge a hundred-year famous enterprise out of YRPG.
The congratulatory letters from some leaders and units were read out in the conference. Guo Xinghua, Director of Department of Health of Jiangsu, Xu Jianguang, Director of Bureau of Health of Shanghai, Liu Shenlin, Director of Jiangsu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other leaders and guests respectively addressed the conference and expressed warm congratulations to the 40th anniversary of YRPG. Employee representative of YRPG Lu Xianfeng and Director of Medicine Research Institute Ma Ke made addresses in the conference.
Advanced units and individuals including 25 advanced units such as Second Bureau of Sales, Quality Management Department and Finance Company and 41 advanced workers such as Ji Shouru, Xu Liqin and Weng Xintai that made outstanding contributions to the development of YRPG in the past forty years, were awarded.