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YRPG Charity Society Donated 44 CollegeFreshmen
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:58:00 Read:1832
As the openingday of university freshmen neared, YRPG carried outrewards and donation so as tohelpstudents.On August 29, 44 outstanding students in financialdifficulties were givenRMB 3,000 byYRPG Charity Society.LiFenghua,Deputy Secretary ofParty Work Committee of Kou'an Street;XuQinsheng, Vice Investigator of Taizhou Broadcast Media Group and Vice Deputy of Publicity Department of Gaogang District; Qi Zhengxin, Senior Vice Chairman of YRPGCharity Society; Ji Hongquan, Deputy Secretary of YRPG Party Committee were present, along withawarded students and some parents.
Once the university entrance examended, YRPG immediately paid attention to theexaminees who were orphans, and who werefrom families living with minimum living guaranteeor from severe weak and sick families in Gaogang District. YRPGpublicized viaGaogang TV station of its hope to help students from needy families. Moreover, the donation candidates covered not onlythe reputable university students, but also students fromjunior and senior colleges.Based on their individual circumstances, application verification and publicity on TV, 26 qualified candidates were finally chosen. Meanwhile, the Charity Society continually increased the donation fund by adding another 10 quotasfor Kou'an Middle School this year.
"I'd like to express my appreciation toYRPG Charity Societyfor your generosity. Your philanthropic move is invaluable. We shall meet all challenges with optimistic attitude and perseverance, and strive to be more excellent." said an assisted students.
As the social commitment made by YRPG goes, prevent students quitting school because of financial difficulties and strive to award student who are excellent in academic achievements and conducts. As of the current year, the Charity Society has donated students for consecutivenine years.Since 2007, the Foundation enlarged the geographical region donated candidates, covering all towns and villages of Gaogang District.By now, 251 students receiveddonation worth RMB 750,000.