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YRPG Analgesic Dezocine wasWidely Acclaimed–Dezocine Clinical Research Progress Seminar and Essay Awards Ceremony was Held in Jinan
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:56:00 Read:2153
During the session of 2011 Chinese Medical AssociationNational Conference on Anesthesia, YRPGheld the Dezocine Clinical Research Progress Seminar and Essay Awards Ceremony on September 10in Jinan, in which YRPG shared clinic experiences with participants, and expressed appreciation for the essay contestants'support forthe product promotion.
The conference was hosted by the renowned expertsin anesthesia field and Professor WuXinmin fromthe First Hospital of Peking University.Professor XuJianguofrom Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command, andProfessor ZhuShengmeifrom the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University. Professor WuXinmin introduced the clinic research progress of Dezocine.
Professor XuJianguo organized several hospitals in Jiangsu to carry out the clinical research by using the multicenter, random, single-blind, and parallel control methods. After observation and analysis, they concluded:Dezocineinfluencedconsciousness more slightly; compared with the traditional strong opioid drug Sufentanil, Dezocineshowedseemingly stronger effect on relieving the movement pain; the combined use of Dezocine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in pain relieving after major surgeries hade favorable application prospect.
Professor Zhu Shengmei organized multicenter prospective clinical researchin The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, and Changzhou Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital of Jiangsu, focusing on the Dezocine Injection's efficacy and safety on preemptive analgesia for gynecological cavity mirror surgeries. Experiments showedthat the Dezocine Injection's efficacy on preemptive analgesia for gynecological cavity mirror surgeries was much better than the control group, and the Dezocine Injection's side effect is reduced.
Professor WuXinmin and several experts conducted theresearch in Peking University First Hospital, Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, Chaoyang Hospital of Capital Medical University, the First Hospital of China Medical University, and Shanghai First Hospital, providing sufficient information on Dezocine effects on various body parts and the corresponding dosages. Experiments indicatedthat Dezocine PCA couldmeet analgesia requirements after the lower limb, laparotomy, thoracotomy surgeries, whose analgesic effects was ranked in descending order as follows: the lower limb, laparotomy, and thoracotomy surgeries.
Dezocine Injection (Product name: Jialuoning), a new type of powerful opioidanalgesic, is used to alleviate moderate and severe paincaused by post-operationorcancer. This drug was introduced to the domestic market by YRPG exclusively in October 2009. The scarcity of the domestic clinical literature on this drug held back clinical application, marketaccesses and academic promotion. In December 2009, Marketing Department of YRPGorganized the YRPG Cup Dezocine ClinicalEssay Contest with a view to collecting the clinical experience. Over a year, the Marketing Department collected 48 articles on Dezocine clinical application, ranging from combined treatment to efficacy contrast. To ensure the scientific, academic and clinically practical nature, as well as the normalization of clinical application, the Marketing Department invited five experts,includingdomestic anesthesiology experts, and editors and editorial board members of professional journal on anesthesiologyand professors,to bejudges of this appraisal. After blind review and discussion, experts awarded5 second prizes, the 12 third prizes, and 31honorable prizes.
Many grantees acknowledgedDezocine'sanalgesic effect and safety. Some attendees expressed their demands for more detailed information about Dezocine clinical application and consideredthe trial introduction of Dezocine tothe local market. Ji Shouru,Vice-general Manager,said in his speech that YRPG would further expand the product publicity andstrengthen academic promotionin a bid to facilitate the doctor medications and better service for patients.