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YRPG Held 2011 Mid-Year Working Conference
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:53:00 Read:1785
Onthe afternoon of June 30, YRPG International Conference Center was brilliantly illuminated, and the Party's glory history and YRPG' achievement were showed on the electronic screens at two sides of the Conference Center. YRPG 2011 Mid-year Working Conference was heldand more than 10,000staff from the Group and subsidiaries attended the conference.The attendees summarized achievements of the first half year andrestated the annual goal, presenting lavish gifts for the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party with the outstanding performance of the first half year.
YRPG Chairman and General Manager Xu Jingren made a working report of Enhance Strength by Optimization, Promote Development by Innovation, and Celebrate YRPG 40th Anniversary with the Well Opening of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan.Xu Jingren stated that in this year, new medical reform policies were frequently introduced and the medicine market was reshuffled. Facing the complicated and diversified situation, YRPG people followed the trend, converted challenge to opportunity, increased the product R&D, and made the outstanding market progress. YRPG further perfected the quality control system and improved the business performance, resulting to the first half year output of RMB 14.638 billion and sales volume of RMB 14.593 billion, respective year-to-year increase of 25% and 25.6%, which created a new record.
In the first half year, YRPG pushed forward its development and gained many achievements. In consequence, the Group was successively awarded Jiangsu Ten Excellent Cases Prizeon Industrial Marketing, Zijin Prize of Jiangsu Brand, Jiangsu Labor Security Good Faith Demonstration Enterprise, and Taizhou Top Ten Enterprise, etc. YRPG was listed the top in the National Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry Brand and the 26th in Jiangsu Tax payment Top 100, and was selected as the Jiangsu Incubation Base on Remarkable Performance and Jiangsu High-Level Talent Innovation Base. When the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party is coming, YRPG was granted "Jiangsu Advanced Primary Party Organization" by Jiangsu Party Committee, and "Most Satisfied Primary Party Organization" by Taizhou Municipal Party Committee.
Xu Jingren reviewed the work of the first half year from the following aspects: marketing, product R&D, production quality, inside management, subsidiary development, and culture of Party construction. The overall requirements and goals of the second half year were made atthe conference.
Chairman Xu stressed that in the second half year, the Group shall earnestly study and implement the spirits of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the Tenth Plenary Session of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and the Eleventh Plenary Session of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee. YRPG shall continue to strengthen the concept of development mode transformation, carry forward the enterprise spirit of "forging ahead and never being satisfied", andfocus on realizing the Well Opening of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan;stress the improvement of technological innovation ability,accelerate the development of innovative products,strive to innovate marketing concept, and deepen the academic promotion and channel construction; strive toimplement talent innovation so as to increase the source power for enterprise development;s trive to implement the internal reform and perfect the management system and mechanism; strive to implementthe standard promotion project and push forward the new GMP and the European Union GMP authentication work; strive toconstruct the international science and technology and the market platform construction andby all means make inroad into the main markets of the Europe and the United States; strive to develop the subsidiaries and ensure the double increase in tax payment of the subsidiaries; strive to bring froth new ideas in the enterprise Party construction, and enrich the enterprise culture construction;strive to successfully hold the celebration of YRPG 40th anniversary in order to inspire the employees' morale, enlarge social influence, and enhance the enterprise image.
At the meeting, Xu Guoping, Deputy Secretary of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Taizhou, fully affirmed YRPG's achievements. He said that Taizhou's economic development hadpresented steady and fast growth in the first half year, and the main economic indicators hadrealized "double half", which is inseparable with YRPG's responsibility and contribution.
Mayor Xu Guoping hoped that YRPG could make more efforts in the following aspects: firstly, make more efforts to push forward the independent innovation, develop more products and medicines with independent intellectual property rights, and lead the pharmaceutical industry development;secondly, make more efforts to strengthen the market development, build up a solid sales network, and increase market share;thirdly, make more efforts to introduce high-end talents, strive to build the enterprise talents with the largest and highest level, the optimal structure, and the largest contribution;finally, make more efforts to strengthen quality management, and strive to enhance the quality management level and product quality level.