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2010 YRPG Environment Information Publicity
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:51:00 Read:2052
In 2010, under the leadership of Taizhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Gaogang District Environmental Protection Bureau of Taizhou, YRPG abides by the laws and regulations on environmental protection and implements the environmental protection facilities so that the pollutant dischargeof YRPG complies with environment standards. There was no petition letter and administrative punishment with respect of YRPG Environmental Protection in 2010. The enterprise environmental information is hereby published as follows:
  1. Enterprise Environmental Protection Policy, Annual Environmental Protection Goals and Achievements
  2. The environmental protection policy of the Company: abide by laws and regulations on environmental protection, stress pollution prevention, ensure continuous improvement, and improve management performance.
  3. The environmental protection targets of the Company: wastewater discharge standard-meeting rate 100%, waste gas discharge standard-meeting rate 100%, and noise discharge standard-meeting rate 100%.
  4. The environmental protection area of the Company covers neighboring Zhangjia Village, Chengdong Village, Gaogang Middle School, and Lightning Material Factory, as well Middle Wangying Groove across the Group plant area. The Group plant area boasts beautiful scenery, and the environmental protection facilities run normally, various pollutants are disposed properly and meet the discharge standards. There is no complaint and punishment from environmental protection departments. The Group activities do not conflict with the environmental protection goal.
  5. Enterprise annual total resource consumption
  6. Comprehensive energy consumption per unit product: 93.85 tons of standard coal/ten thousand pieces in 2010, a year-to-year decrease of 7.8%.
  7. Comprehensive water consumption per unit product: 6341.51 tons/ten thousand pieces in 2010, a year-to-year decrease of 15.33%.
  8. Pollutant discharge per unit product: COD discharge of solid preparation was 0.32 g/piece, solid waste discharges was 94 g/piece; COD discharge of freeze-dried powder injection was 1.53 g/piece, solid waste discharges was 684 g/piece; COD discharge of oral liquid was 0.81 g/piece, solid waste discharges was 249 g/piece; COD discharge of large capacity injection was 0.71 g/piece, solid waste discharges was 790 g/piece; COD discharge of small capacity injection COD was 0.81 g/piece, solid waste discharges was 258 g/piece.
  9. The annual water consumption was 1321330 tons, electricity 37569558 kilowatt-hours, and steam 142707 tons.
  10. Enterprise environmental protection investment
SN. Project Gross Total Amount (Yuan) Remarks
1 Waste medicine disposal 17.19 ton 42975 Disposed byTaizhou New Universe Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd.under entrustment
2 Waste tube containing mercury 5,400 pieces 11,600 Disposed by Yixing Sunan Solid Waste Disposal and Integrated Reuse Factory under entrustment
2 Wastewater disposal 790,306 ton 2,766,000 Sewage Station
3 Environmental monitoring / 30,000 Monitored by Taizhou Environmental Monitoring Center
4 Life garbage disposal within plant area / 36,000 Disposed by Gaogang District Sanitation Office under entrustment
5 Landscape engineering / 14,010,000 Ruigao Landscape Construction Co., Ltd.
6 Landscape maintenance / 357,500 Ruigao Landscape Construction Co., Ltd.
7 Out-of-city environmental protection training / 3,800 Training on Data ValidationAuditing of Pollution Source Automatic Monitoring of National Key Monitoring Enterprises
8 Solid waste disposal 40.74 ton 155,000 Combustion Furnace
9 No. 2 Sewage Station / 15,305,800 Built in December 2010 with the daily processing capacity of 3900 tons
  1. Enterprise pollutant type, quantity, concentration and destination
Summary Sheet on 2010 Enterprise Pollutant Type, Quantity, Concentration and Destination
Pollutant Type Project 2010
COD Actual discharges (ton/year) 32.64
Discharges approved by Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (ton/year) 68.6
Actual discharge concentration (mg/L) 41.3
Executive standard (mg/L) ≦60
SS Actual discharges (ton/year) 17.78
Discharges approved by Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (ton/year) 42.875
Actual discharge concentration (mg/L) 22.5
Executive standard (mg/L) ≦30
Ammonia Nitrogen Actual discharges (ton/year) 2.27
Discharges approved by Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (ton/year) 12.87
Actual discharge concentration (mg/L) 2.87
Executive standard (mg/L) ≦10
PH Actual discharge concentration (mg/L) 7.08
Executive standard (mg/L) 6~9
Total wastewater discharge (ton) 790306
Pollutant discharge destination: Middle Wangying Groove
  1. Construction and operation of enterprise environmental protection facilities
  2. The Company built three sewage stations with the follow processing capacity: The sewage station of the old plant: 600 tons/day;the sewage station of the plant with the area of 570 mu: 2000 tons/day;the sewage plant built in 2009 with the investment of RMB 15.3058 million: 3900 tons/day.
  3. At present, the sewage station of the old plant and that of the plant with the area of 570 mu (38,000 square meters) run properly. The sewage treated by the above two stations meets the Water Pollutants Discharge Standard for Pharmaceutical Industry of Conventional Preparation (GB21908-2008 Sheet 2). The sewage plant with the daily processing capacity of 3900 tons is in the commissioning stage.
  4. Before March 2011, the Company plans to shut down the sewage station of the old plant and maintain the sewage station of the plant with the area of 570 mu. The sewage of the two stations will flow into through pipe network and will be disposed by the sewage station with the area of 301 mu (200,667 square meters).
  5. Solid waste disposal
  6. Solid waste classification: The waste of the Company is divided into general waste and hazardous waste, and the general waste is divided into recoverable waste and non-recoverable.
  7. Solid waste disposal: The recoverable waste is sold to qualified units, non-recoverable waste is disposed by Gaogang Sanitation Office, and hazardous waste is disposed by qualified units (The Company entrust Taizhou New Universe Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd. to dispose the pharmaceutical wastes, waste medicine, and sludge, and Yixing Sunan Solid Waste Disposal and Integrated Reuse Factory to dispose waste lamp tube).
  8. Solid waste output:
SN Pollutant Type Unit 2010 Disposal Method
1 Sludge ton 21.96 Disposed by Taizhou New Universe Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd. under entrustment
2 Waste medicine ton 18.78
3 Waste lamp tube ton 1.69 Disposal by qualified units under entrustment
4 Waste oil ton 0.44 In temporary storage for disposal by qualified units under entrustment
5 Waste ink cartridge ton 0.53 Recovered by suppliers
6 Living garbage ton 560 Disposed by the Sanitary Office of the district
7 Recycling wastes (waste paper, scrap metal, waste plastics, and waste glass) ton 1529.9 Sold to units with the recover qualification
  1. Integrated use of solid waste:
Time Output Use Amount Use rate Disposal Amount Disposal Rate Integrated Use Rate
2010年 2133.3 1529.9 71.7% 603.4 28.3% 100%
January 4, 2010