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YRPG New GMP Knowledge Contest EndedSuccessfully
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:49:00 Read:2027
According to the requirements of the 25th Quality Month activity, in order to promote the enthusiasm of each department to learn the new-version GMP, better understand and implement it, YRPG Labor Union, Quality control Center and Production Command Center jointly organized the New GMP Knowledge Contest in Manshanhong Hall of Petrel Restaurant on April 13. Deputy Director Administration of Food and Drug Control Liu Lu, Director of Administration of Work Safety Mo Laifeng, Vice General Manager Xu Liqin and Sun Tianjiang, Assistant of General Manager Liang Yuantai and Chief Engineer Weng Xintai watched the contest.
The contest consisted of six rounds including required question, optional question, hint question and risky questions. The first round was “Question & Answer”, which requiredeach member of each team to answer one question. Some members underperformeddue to nervousness. However, members of each team seemed more confident and firm in the subsequent game “Race against Time”. Both rich GMP knowledge and close cooperation were required in GMP knowledge contest. The specially designed round “Guess from Body Language” brought the context to a climax. The round “Interaction with Audience” gave theaudience the chance to present themselves. By answering questions related to production and quality control, audiences consolidated GMP knowledge they had just learned. The participants, with earnestness and enthusiasm, answered questions confidently and firmly, which showed their deep understanding of GMP. The cheering squad added to the warm atmosphere by enthusiastic support and interaction. Through the two-and-half-hourcontest,  representatives of Quality ControlDepartment won the first prize.
Chief Engineer Weng Xintai commented on the contest. He said that this activity servedas a means other than an end, and that people began to follow the trend of learning newGMP. He expectedeveryone could constantly learn newGMP, discover the shortcomings with one's actual condition, strive to improve GMP ability, and thus primarily implementnew-version GMP and ensure products safety and effectiveness.
Deputy Director Liu Lu highly praised this activity. He pointed out that the rapid development of YRPG could not be separated from the philosophyof “seeking progress all the time andsafeguarding health forall human beings”, its high GMP standardsand its emphasis on innovative research and development and product quality. He expected that YRPG could seize the opportunity of GMP certification, further promote GMP, actively expand the international market, and lay a solid foundation for making a globalized pharmaceutical enterprise out of YRPG.