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YRPG Arranged Business Dinner for Staff in New Year
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:25:00 Read:1840
Thousands of people gathered here, bringing cheers and laughter. From January 19 to January 21, YRPG business dinner for staff in 2010 was arranged in International Conference Center of Petrel Hotel where Xu Jingren and other leaders celebrated the new year with all staff.
2010 was filled with moving and unforgettable experiences. Progress of YRPG should be owed to the hard work of YRPG staff and the silent support fromstaff families. In the impassioned address before dinner, Chairman Xu Jingren appreciated the contribution of all staff in the past year and extent new year blessings to all. He expected that the staff would make persistent efforts and unite in a concerted effortto make new achievements for YRPG.
The dinner was in a grateful, sweet and pleasant atmosphere. They drank and chatted merrily. Xu Jingren and other leaders came to the staff and toasted frequently, extending blessings to all. Every staff felt the warmth of YRPG family. All enjoyed the hearty dinner and wonderful performance. Opera chorus, amazing magic performance, exotic dances, lively and familiar songs, and fabulous programs were a delicate feast to eyes.
At the end of every year, YRPG held a grand business dinner, which was a glee feast, a return banquet and a fellowship dinner, and abridge of communication between cadres and staff. While everybody relaxed themselves and enjoyed the delicious food, they were also inspired to work fora brighter future of YRPG.