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YRPG Held the 8th Quyi Contest
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:22:00 Read:1669
On the eighth day of the first month of New Year, YRPG held the 8thOpera Singing Contest in the Weilingxian Hall of Petrel Hotel. Leaders such as Dai Shengli, experts such as Han Lancheng, and Xu Jingren watched the programs together with employees.
This Opera Singing Contest was written and played by employees themselves. After the preliminarymatch, 11 representative teams enter the finals. Their programs included short sketch, cross talk, singing & dancing and Chinese base drum. The short sketch Off the Topic presented by 2nd Division of Sales Company was a story about a salesman. The clever designs and the wrapped jokes brought laughs to the audience. Forty-year Attachment by 7th Division of Sales Company was a story about a retired worker's attachment to YRPG for forty years. Good Neighborhood surpasses the Gold by the Department of Organ Affairs described misunderstanding arising from water leakage in a house. Who is the Flower for by Head of Financial Company sang highly praise of those selfless workers of YRPG. Some new works written, directed and played by new workers also invited audience's admiration. The wonderful programs displayed the image of YRPG and inspire people with laughs.
After fierce competition, one team won the first prize, two teams won the second prize and five teams won the outstanding prize. Forty-year Attachment won the first prize and best creation prize at the same time. Off the Topic won the best presentation award.
After the contest, Chairman Xu Jingren gave appraisal to the performances of all teams. He expected that there would be more works coming from life and employees could improve their performance, making the arts works better serve the production and operation.
Crosstalk master Han Lancheng reviewed the Quyi works from the professional perspectives. He confirmed YRPG's construction of enterprise culture, appraised the various forms of Quyi creation, and gave advice on the improvement of Quyi works.
The 8th Quyi Contest of YRPG came to an end in laughs and applauds. The employees look forward to more new performers and more wonderful programs the next year.