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Taking Preventive Measures and Alarming Bells Forever- YRPG Held the 17th Fire Sports Meeting
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:14:00 Read:1629
“Two oil drums are on fire!” Two voluntary firefighters took dry powder extinguisher and rushed toward the fire point at sprint speed. They quickly pulled out insurance bolt, sprayed a burst at oil drum flame.. , this was one scene in the 17th staff fire sports meeting held by the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group on the national 19th “119” Fire Day.
Fire sports meeting was a fun game of fire-fighting, which aimed to further improve the staff's response to emergency in the face of fire accident, and guarantee personal and property security. In the opening ceremony of firefighting games, Ji Hongquan expressed request on strengthening fire safety. Leaders from fire prevention office of the city fire detachment and city supervision department for major fire units came to the competition scene, viewing and guiding, and relevant departments also organized personnel to cheer sportsman on.
The sports events are: one-people-two-disks and four-people-four-disks hose connection, men and women's 100m dry powder extinguishing, items evacuation for 100 meters, rescuing people wearing gas mask and bare-handed, and 4 by 100 meters fire extinguisher relay. 213 voluntary firefighters from 11 units from each department under the Group production command center, financial company, security department and 11 units took part in the competition. After tense competition, one batch of players with perfect skills in fire business stood out. Miao Qi from Manufacturing Department 2 won the women's 100 meters dry powder extinguishing champion with a score 18 "03, and broke the record.
This fire-fighting sports meeting further enhanced the employees' safety consciousness of fire control, played a good role in promoting staff fire safety consciousness, learning and mastering fire extinguishing, saving and escaping skills, and also enhanced the friendship and unity between staff, created a relaxed and harmonious working atmosphere.
As a key fire unit, the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group always attaches great importance to do fire safety work, establishes and perfects every fire safety system, signs fire responsibility rule at each level. Every year, the Group regularly invites fire officers and soldiers to lecture, teach fire theory, organize demonstration fire drills, and learn practical combat skills. Since 1993, 17 sessions of staff firefighting sports meeting have been held and fire safety consciousness has been firmly embedded into the human mind. For many years, no fire accidents in the enterprise, which provides strong security guarantee for continuous, healthy and rapid development.