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Chairman Xu Jingren Attended the 3rd Session of International Science and Technology Conference for Traditional Chinese Medicine Modernization and Made a Speech
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:13:00 Read:1599
On November 25th, the third session of international science and technology conference for traditional Chinese medicine modernization was held in Chengdu ceremoniously, themed "Innovation and development of the traditional Chinese medicine". Government officials, medical experts and executives of pharmaceutical enterprises from all over the world gathered together to share the developing achievements of the traditional Chinese medicine and discuss the direction of future development. Chairman Xu Jingren was invited and delivered the keynote speech as the only representative of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises.
This grand meeting was jointly hosted by 15 ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the State Food and Drug Supervision Bureau, etc. 15 and people's government of Sichuan province, which fully embodied the relevant state ministries and commissions attach great importance to the development of the traditional Chinese medicine. More than 2000 honored guests and delegates attended the conference with unprecedented scale and influence. Among them were government officials, famous experts and scholars, the world famous industry representatives from 21 countries, regions and relevant international organizations as the World Health Organization, the United States, Britain, Germany, etc., and leaders of the hosting ministries and commissions, some provincial leaders, academicians from both academies and persons in charge of famous medical colleges and universities, research institutes and the pharmaceutical enterprises.
In the conference report after the opening ceremony, along with the impassioned and full of respect introduction of the host, Chairman Xu Jingren walked up to the rostrum with a reasonably vigorous pace and a confident smile in heavy applause. He expounded the current situation of the development of the traditional Chinese medicine in the speech titled Walk the Road of Science and Technological Innovation; Promote Development of National Medicine.
He pointed out that, China's traditional medicine had for a history of thousands of years, and was extensive and profound with innumerable clinical experience. However, on the way to the international market, the road was tortuous and patent medicine exports were very few. There were almost no registration of Chinese patent medicine in developed countries.
He carefully analyzed the reasons which have caused such serious situation and appealed that it’s urgent and very necessary to establish a channel of exporting, registering, and marketing to the whole world, especially the developed countries and to expand export scale of the traditional Chinese medicine. In the speech, he also explored the developing direction of modernization of the traditional Chinese medicine strategically and expressed that the Group would take modernization and internationalization of the traditional Chinese medicine as its own duty and do its utmost to push aside all obstacles and difficulties and break through the bottleneck in all sorts of ways, together with people with lofty ideas domestically and internationally who were interested in promoting TCM, to welcome the spring of the TCM modernization.
Chairman Xu Jingren ’s speech was heartfelt and fully embodied. And as the leading enterprise in domestic pharmaceutical industry, YRPG would bear the social responsibility which was acclaimed among domestic and international counterparts. Organizer of the meeting issued a speech memento to chairman Xu Jingren.
The two-day meeting held three major activities, innovation forum, project activities, science and technology review for traditional Chinese medicine, which built a good exchange and cooperation platform for domestic and foreign government officials, experts and scholars, entrepreneurs and investors and would have a positive impact on showing the latest achievements of modernization and internationalization of our country and the traditional Chinese medicine, speeding up the process of modernization and internationalization of Chinese medicine.
People in charge of traditional Chinese medicine research institution of medicine institute of the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group and of production enterprise of traditional Chinese medicine attended the meeting at the same time, and to extensively exchanged with the domestic and international counterparts, which better promoted the brand image and development concept of the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group.