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YRPG Was Awarded the Title of "Advanced Enterprise in Technical Reconstructing of Jiangsu Province of 2009"
Author: Date:2013/8/1 17:03:00 Read:1564
Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission convened the enterprise technical advancement conference of the whole province in Zhangjiagang of Jiangsu Province on July 27, where the advanced enterprises in technical reconstructing of year 2009, the model projects and the approval documents by the enterprise technical center at the provincial level were announced with the awarding ceremony held at the meantime. Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. received the award as the top advanced enterprise in technical reconstruction of the whole province.
Economic and Information Technology Commission of various cities, various departments of Jiangsu province and almost a hundred of enterprise’s representatives attended the conference. Chen Zhenning, Director of Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission, addressed the conference and underlined that changes in the world economy and national macro-economic environment have exerted many positive and negative influences on the technical advancement, with both pressure and momentum. To progress further, efforts shall be made to do well in "five persistences": persistence in promoting the industrial economy transforming and upgrading, persistence in the organic combination of developing the newly-emerging industries and upgrading the traditional industries, persistence in the equal importance to both the independent innovation and introduction, assimilation, adoption and then innovation, persistence in the simultaneous promotion of the incremental guidance and the inventory optimization and persistence in the linkage of the market dominance and the administrative measures so as to realize such "five transformations" (transformation from the simple technical application to the R&D of advanced key technologies, transformation from the reconstructing of a single product manufacturing step to the upgrading of the R&D and marketing abilities, transformation from the technical advancement of a single enterprise to the establishment, perfection and reinforcement of the industry chain, transformation from the dependence on the resource consumption to the innovation drive and transformation from the single industrialization development to the "integration of informationization and Industrialization).
In recent years, YRPG has increased its technical investment and facilitate its technical reconstructing with such technical reconstruction projects as 301 engineering liquid preparation production line, 95 R&D Building of Jiangsu (YRPG) New Drug Research Institution, the production line for frozen powder injection agent and the solid preparation production line in process in succession with a total investment of over 1 billion Yuan to ensure the improvement in enterprise’s innovation abilities, the upgrading of the overall preparation technology and the enterprise’s stable development.
In the conference, all the representatives visited such important enterprises of Zhangjiagang as Jiangsu Shagang Group, Suzhou Hailu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and Irico (Zhangjiagang) Flat Panel Display Co., Ltd. as well as their key projects.