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“Phenix” Inhabited in Charming YRPG
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:55:00 Read:1564

In the middle of July, over 200 undergraduates from over 70 prominent higher education institutions of China such as Peking University, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University and China Pharmaceutical University joined YRPG to inject fresh vitality to the enterprise’s development.

Most students came from “985” and “211” key universities with 44 students featuring the master’s degree and the doctoral degree. Thy are outstanding students from prominent universities with the academic level all superior to that in preceding years, thus preparing plenty of talents for the enterprise’s existing and future development.

Dressed in uniform camouflage coat and striding with uniform steps, the freshmen experienced the first class before their active service to chasten their volition under the burning sun. In order to adapt them to the enterprise as soon as possible, the enterprise has established a training project including the military training, patriotism education “Taizhou Travel” and theories on the enterprise’s culture, product knowledge, production quality control and business etiquette with various literary and sports competitions . Besides, the freshmen were also arranged to join in various practices and would be formally enrolled with qualified comprehensive appraisal.

YRPG considers the talent team construction as the basis for its development and competition. It keeps introducing talents extensively from home and abroad with 1200 undergraduate students, over 50 overseas students and other high-level talents in the latest five years, consolidating the enterprise’s development basis. Besides, the group has explored a new talent introduction channel while providing the internship training service to higher education institutions, by making such platforms as the employment internship base for higher education institution graduates of Jiangsu Province and the youth employment and entrepreneurship internship base for Peking University.