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YRPG Conducted National Army Support Activities
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:52:00 Read:1499
Before the Army Day, principals of Shanghai Sales Company of YRPG came to the tenth division of Shanghai Corps of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces (CPAPF) and certain department of Shanghai Garrison Command to extend their best wishes. They donated common drugs worth over RMB 200,000. They received a warm welcome.
To celebrate PLA's 83rdanniversary, YRPG donates drugs to all provincial and municipal armies and hospitals through their provincial sales companies. They show their concerns to soldiers and support to national defense construction with practical actions. It is reported that the donated drugs are used to cure common and frequent diseases. These drugs are mainly antibiotics, coldrex, intestinal infection drugs and drugs for cardiovascular disease. The donated drugs are worth over RMB 3 million in total.
YRPG has been supporting the Army since 1995. According to incomplete statistics, YRPG has donated drugs and money worth over RMB 50,000,000 in total. They have established the military and civilian construction units with the aeroamphibioushonor guard, soldiers guarding the Xisha Islands and navy soldiers from "Taizhou Warship". YRPG is granted the title of "Advanced Unit in Military and Civilian Constructing Socialist Spiritual Civilization" by the leader team of national double upholding work (upholding political leadership and loving people; upholding army and giving preferential treatment to army men's the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, Central Spirit Civilization Office, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and People's Liberation Army General Political Department.