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YGPR Renewed the National Record by Being Awarded 57 First Prices of QC Achievement
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:46:00 Read:1495
The Exchange Meeting for the 31stNational Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team, sponsored by Chinese Medical Quality Control Association, was convened in Guangzhou on June 25 with 131 first prizes for outstanding QC teams in the national pharmaceutical industry, among which YRPG won 57 items, accounting for almost a half of total QC golden medals. In addition, 52 achievements of YRPG were awarded the best publication prizes and at the same time the enterprise was awarded the title of Quality Control Team Activity in the National Pharmaceutical Industry. What’s more Chairman Xu Jingren awarded the title of "Outstanding Leader of the Quality Control Team Activity in the National Pharmaceutical Industry". It was a new record that YRPG has refreshed the QC achievement prizes subsequent to the 47 QC "golden medals" obtained last year.
As an authoritative management and exchange platform for QC (Quality Control) in the national pharmaceutical industry, the QC team activity and the annual achievement appraisal have been always the "weatherglass" which reflects the quality management level and the quality control level in the production process of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises. With more and more pharmaceutical enterprises engaged in the activity actively, some foreign-funded enterprises such as Wyeth have been also involved, and among them, especially some large pharmaceutical enterprises stood out. This year, 247 teams from over 100 pharmaceutical enterprises across the country attended the QC achievement appraisal with 59 grand teams from YRPG. Upon intense release, exchange and experts’ appraisal, YRPG was leading in the first prize for outstanding QC teams in the national pharmaceutical industry as the best winner with its awards accounting for almost a half of the total first prizes. Up to now, YRPG has accumulated 187 QC achievements awarded the first prize in the national pharmaceutical industry and been ranked on the top for its "golden medal" quantity for successive six years.
YRPG has persisted in the concept of "benefiting the people with high quality" with great attentions paid to the quality management and QC team activity for many years. Its over 100 QC teams active at the production, scientific research and quality frontline have applied advanced management theories and methods, developed the quality and technical breakthroughs all year round to advance the craftwork, increase the quality, reduce the losses, improve the efficiency, save the energy, decrease the discharge and protect the environment. Thus the group has developed the breakthrough activities of300 topics up to 2010 with over 10 QC achievements filling in the domestic technical blank and 6achievements awarded the national creation patents, in which Dyclonine Hydrochloride Mucilage was awarded the American creation patent and Weisu Granules was awarded Top 100 Outstanding Creation Patent of Jiangsu Province. The public QC team activity has solved the production technical problem improved the product’s quality and created accumulated economic profits of over 60million created for the enterprise.
YRPG started from the source by establishing and perfecting an overall quality management system from the drug R&D, supply, and production to after-sales service to promote the "high quality" engineering in a solid manner at the moment of making QC breakthroughs actively. The group has been dedicated to making research breakthroughs of international quality standards with 21 varieties reaching the pharmacopoeia standards of U.S., European Union, Great Britain and Japan. Besides, the group took the initiative to propose the control standard system of supplementary materials in the industry and its quality management level was stepping onto a new stage. Recently, the group was appointed as the solely listed training base of the national pharmaceutical industry by National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, and its quality testing center has passed the on-site appraisal by experts from China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories to be the sole enterprise quality testing center passing the national laboratory accreditation in the pharmaceutical industry of Jiangsu Province.