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YRPG Convened of 2010Mid-Year Work Conference
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:46:00 Read:1534
With flowers, laughter and applauses, YGPG members said farewell to the first half year of 2010 with great success and happiness. The mid-year work conference of 2010as well as the staff representative conference was convened in the afternoon of June 30 to earnestly summarize the achievements in the first half year, scientifically deploy the development planning for the second half year and mobilize all staff for achieving the annual targets. Major Yao Jianhua, Municipal Secretary General Wang Qun and District Committee Secretary Wang Jian were invited to attend the conference.
Xu Jingren, CPC Secretary of the group, Chairman and General Manager, delivered the work report at the conference. In the first half year of 2010, YRPG has pursued advantages while avoiding disadvantages by making independent innovations, deepened its R&D innovative strategies, actively replied to new tendency in the pharmaceutical reform by innovating its operation and working thoughts, reinforced its internal management to attend the market competitions with superior and high efficient services, given a full play to the location advantages and industry characteristics of its subsidiary companies, and advanced the party construction affairs to deepen the enterprise’s cultural connotations and achieve the long-term development from various aspects. From January to June, the group has accumulatively realized its increase of production, sales and profit tax by over 30% respectively than that of the same period in the preceding year. Besides, the group has been honorably awarded such titles as "20 Stars of Chinese Pharmaceutical Quality Administration in 20 Years", "Outstanding Enterprise of Quality Administration Team in National Pharmaceutical Industry", "Advanced Unit of National Health and Cultural Construction" and "Top 100 Service Enterprise of Jiangsu Province".
At the moment of fully confirming the achievements, Xu Jingren further analyzed problems and insufficiencies existing in the enterprise in terms of the R&D innovation, production quality, marketing, human resource, financial control and subsidiary companies while analyzing the current situations of the pharmaceutical market. He required us not to feel complacent of the past achievements, be constrained by the existing experience and stay stagnant with the existing limited fortune; instead, we shall find solutions earnestly with the courage and insight of "scraping the bone to eliminate poison" for the group’s long-term development, face up to challenges actively to seize preemptive opportunities and command the initiatives among big changes and adjustments of the pharmaceutical industry. 
Xu Jingren pointed out that, in the next half year, the group would exert itself to promote the marketing innovation by closely concerning the market pulse, and intensify the sales channel establishment and new products promotion; exert itself to promote the R&D innovation and reinforce the talent and project introduction; exert itself to promote the engineering of the enterprise’s development by talents to establish the talent advantage in favor of the enterprise’s long-term development; exert itself to advance the quality upgrading engineering to guarantee the quality with top-ranking techniques and guarantee the operation with top-ranking services; exert itself to promote the development of subsidiary companies and expand the overseas trades; exert itself to create a characteristic enterprise culture featuring the harmony and upward spirit so as to improve the enterprise’s soft strength for competition with the culture force and offer a gift with more outstanding achievements to the 90th anniversary of the founding of CPC and the 40th anniversary of YRPG in the next year.
Yao Jianhua congratulated the achievements made by YRPG and applauded its strategies in reply to various challenges. He said that YRPG had developed from the original township enterprise to the existing pharmaceutical enterprise group with the feature of the cooperation of the university and enterprise and the integration of technology, industrialization and trade. This made YRPG a worthy "pharmaceutical boss master" in China. Its development history was brilliant and the "YRPG" phenomenon was remarkable.
Yao Jianhua hoped that the enterprise would be developed faster, more energetic and higher aiming. He encouraged the enterprise to further intensify the philosophy of "market priority" and make innovations in the marketing philosophy and methods ; further strengthen the development of subsidiary companies by promoting the mechanism innovation; further advance the international market development to obtain more market shares; persist in the science and technology guidance and independent innovation as the life line of the enterprise’s survival and development; firmly establish the philosophy of "the talents being the foremost resource" to actively create the first talent highland of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises; bear in mind President Hu Jintao’s entrustment to upgrade the transformation of the industries with a broader vision and more practical measures and walk out a great-leap-forward development road adaptable to its own conditions so as to occupy one and one commanding point of the sustainable development and reach the new step of RMB 50 billion and RMB 100 billion as soon as possible, and march towards World Top 500.
Yao Jianhua also required the municipal and district governments as well as the departments at various levels continuing to reinforce the service so as to provide YRPG with more support from various aspects and strive to create a sound environment favorable to the enterprise’s development.
At the conference, 41 advanced groups, 29 outstanding management cadres, 44 models and model workers and 296 advanced works, which were chosen in the first year work, were awarded.