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Leaders from the Science and Technology Department of the Province Surveyed YRPG
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:40:00 Read:1623
The delegation of Yang Rui, Deputy Director and Deputy Secretary of CPC of the Science and Technology Department of the province, and Li Jianmin, Director from the Achievement Department arrived at YRPG on May 19 to carry out the survey with the accompany of Xu Shuping, Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Zhang Xiaobing, Chief Director of the District, and Sun Tianjiang, Deputy General Manager of the group.
Yang Rui listened to the subject report on the R&D and industrialization development of the innovative TCM-Curcumin Capsule, as a new medicine in the fifth category of TCM and natural medicine for curing coronary heart disease and angina. The project has integrated and applied the modern TCM pharmaceutical technology, advanced production and quality control technology, which duly guarantee the outstanding curative effect. The successful R&D of Curcumin Capsule will efficiently promote the yam planting industry and the market development of relevant medicines at China. Yang Rui stated that the industrialization of Curcumin Capsule would bring benefits to numerous cardio-cerebrovascular sufferers and the Science and Technology Department of the province would give priority and certain support to the new research project.
While surveying the No.2 workshop of the frozen powder injection agent, Yang Rui highly appraised the enterprise’s technological innovations, practices and achievements of flourishing the enterprise by quality, hoping that YRPG could unceasingly advance its investment in the scientific and technological innovations, accelerate the introduction of high-level talents, strengthen the independent brand construction and further upgrade the enterprise’s core competitiveness so as to play an active role in leading the development of the bio-pharmaceutical industry of the entire province.