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The Commendation Conference of Advanced Units of Health and Culture Was Convened at YRPG
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:40:00 Read:1557
The Conference of Commending National Advanced Units of Health and Culture and Experience Exchange was grandly convened at the international conference center of YRPG on May 27. 103 units including YRPG and Beijing Tongren Hospital Subsidiary to Capital Medical University were awarded the title of "National Advanced Unit of Health and Culture Construction". Wang Suyang, Deputy Director of the Personnel Department of Ministry of Health, Liang Dongming, Secretary of the CPC Committee of State Center of Disease Control and Chairman of Disease Control Branch of Chinese Association for Promotion on Health Ideology and Culture, Zhou Zhengxing, Chief Discipline Inspector of the Department of Health of Jiangsu Province, and Xu Jingren, Chairman of YRPG awarded medals and certificates for the awarded units.
Wang Suyang addressed the reward presenting conference. Before declaring the commendation decision, he firstly appreciated the support and concerns of YRPG to the medical health system at all time for many years, expressed his heartfelt appreciations and sincere respects to YRPG’s support to various activities of the health system for tens of years, and hoped that YRPG could become stronger and continue concerning the development of the medical health undertaking and make contributions to the unceasing development of national medicines. Afterwards Deputy Director Wang Suyang, on behalf of Ministry of Health and Chinese Association for Promotion on Health Ideology and Culture declared the commendation decision, congratulated the awarded units and expressed his heartfelt satisfaction with the achievements on the health and culture undertaking.
Chinese Association for Promotion on Health Ideology and Culture carried out the activity of appraising and commending "Advanced Units of Health and Culture Construction" among the member units in June of last year to summarize representative experience, commend advanced units and further promote the health and culture construction of national health system. With appraised and recommended by the member units, reviewed by the appraisal and commendation leading team, and publicized on the website of the Ministry of Health, 103 advanced units of health and culture construction were commended formally in this May and convened experience exchange conference meanwhile.
Xu Jingren addressed the commendation conference and introduced the enterprise’s achievements in terms of the culture construction. He firstly appreciated the concerns and support from National Medical Health System to YRPG, then introduced the basic conditions of YRPG in four aspects as the product R&D, quality foundation, talent introduction and enterprise culture describing in details its development road of flourishing the enterprise with science and technology and benefiting the people with high quality while considering the quality as the enterprise’s life, upgrading the soft strength of the enterprise’s competition by constructing the quality culture, charity culture and harmonious culture and cultivating the enterprise’s reputation and brand to promote the enterprise’s development in a sound and rapid manner. Xu Jingren stated that the group would strive to create the enterprise culture with YRPG characteristics, accelerate the innovations and unceasingly upgrade the product quality to benefit more people with YRPG drugs featuring high-tech and high quality.
Six units such as Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei Center of Disease Control, Shanghai Huashan Hospital, Liaoning Shengjing Hospital, the People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Autonomous Region and No. 3 Hospital of Peking University exchanged experiences and delivered speeches on the conference. Professor Mu Zhanlao from Teaching and Research Office of Chinese Culture and History of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China delivered a lecture on a specific topic. The attending representatives visited the modernized factory of YRPG with great interests after the conference. The top ranking factory equipment and the excellent product quality impressed them a lot.
The conference was sponsored by Chinese Association for Promotion on Health Ideology and Culture and supported by YRPG with over 200 representatives from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Troup, various association for promotion on health of various cities as listed and its branch offices, various commended units, member units of the Health and Culture Construction Committee as well as the subsidiary member units.