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Two Employees Were Honored with the Title of “Labor Model of Taizhou City”
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:35:00 Read:1513
The Labor Model Commendation Conference of Taizhou City was convened on April 27 with 149 labor models around the city awarded. Xu Weiquan, Deputy General Manager of the group, Director of the No. 1 Sales Bureau, and Ji Hongying, Director of the Quality Control Department were honored on the conference.
Comrade Xu Weiquan, as one of the principals on the group’s sales line, led the sales group to conquer various difficulties and made astonishing achievements in succession for over 10 years on the pharmaceutical market featuring intensive competitions. Ji Hongying strictly controlled the product quality to guarantee completely qualified drugs to the market and make outstanding contributions to people’s safe and effective medication. Their altruistic spirit of contribution shall be studied by all YRPG members.
Zhang Lei, Secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee, encouraged the awarded labor models to remain the sound style of being modest and prudent, diligent and dedicated to the post as always, remain the spirit of making innovations and being strenuous as always, remain the lofty quality of being considerate and dedicatory as always so as to pursue higher achievements from a new starting line.
In his speech, he pointed out that Taizhou was on the sticking point of realizing the target of "a new big change within three years” and “striving to initiate the ‘12th five-year’ mission”. He encouraged the masses and cadres to develop the labor model spirit vigorously by learning and competing with each other so as to compose a new chapter of the scientific development and leaping –forward development of Taizhou City.
It was understood that 149 labor models as commended this time came from over 30 industries of the city with the first-line employees, farmers and peasant-employee accounting for over 50% thereof, which has greatly represented the principle of the labor model selection as grass roots-oriented and first-line oriented.