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Mayor Yao Jianhua Helped to Solve YRPG's Development Problems and Encouraged for Further Development
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:27:00 Read:1577
Mayor Yao Jianhua, Vice Mayor Lu Peimin, Secretary of Gaogang District Committee Wang Jian arrived at YRPG On February 5 and had a conversazione with President Xu Jingren to understand the production and management movements of the enterprise and help the enterprise solve its practical problems in the development course, which has created a top-ranking environment for YRPG to achieve its sales goal of RMB50billion in 2015.
During the conversazione, Yao Jianhua asked in detail about the operation situation of the enterprise’s production and management, as well as the development plan in the coming period. And he felt rather glad upon his awareness of YRPG’s goal of achieving the sales volume of RMB50 billion in 2015. He said that YRPG had made significant contribution to Taizhou’s industrial economic development. It was rather inspiring that the enterprise put forward such goal. He believed that this goal must be achieved with the joint efforts of Comrade Xu Jingren and the 7,000 employees of the enterprise.
Xu Jingren specifically reported the development plan for the next phase. He expressed his appreciations to the support and help for YRPG’s development from municipal and district governments and relevant departments concerned over the years. He hoped that they would continuously help the enterprise developed bigger and stronger. He stated that YRPG had the confidence and the ability to achieve the goal in order to make greater contribution to the development of Taizhou and Gaogang District.
Yao Jianhua required both the municipal and district governments and relevant departments concerned to strengthen their researches and take the initiative to know the demand and difficulties during the development process of YRPG so that they could take practical and effective measures from the aspect of the production factors such as land and capital to help the enterprise solve practical problems, create a sound environment for its development with top-ranking quality and service, and stimulate the enterprise to achieve its grand goal of the sales volume of RMB50 billion.