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YRPG Held 2009 Year-End Work Conference
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:19:00 Read:1484
Coming New Year brings excitement to the people. On December 31, the 2009 Year-End Work Conference, which was also the Workers Conference, was solemnly held in YRPG. More than 1000 representatives of workers and cadres from all sections of the Group attended the conference, waving goodbye to the old year that was full of achievements and competitions in a traditional way. The leaders of the city and the district, including the Municipal Party Secretary Zhang Lei, the Deputy Mayor Lu Peimin, the General-Secretary of the Municipal Party Zhong Jiansheng and the Secretary of Gaogang District Wang Jian were present at the conference to encourage the Group.
The conference was held in an atmosphere of joy with flooding flowers and applauses. People’s attention was caught by the model workers sitting in the front row with ribbons and flowers. The highly-hung bright red banners and prolonged thunderous applauses told all the attendees about the confidence and fighting spirit of the Group confronting new challenges.
The conference officially started in the music of Ode of Yangtze River and the pops of firecrackers. As the representative of the Youth League Committee, the Party Committee and the headquarter, Xu Jingren, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, President and General Manager, made a working report named Making Progress in Hard Situations, Accelerating the Transformation of Development Pattern, Bringing the Scientific Development of YRPG to a New Stage at the conference. He made a review on the achievements those the Group had gained as well as a summary on the lessons learned in the past year from seven aspects: research and development innovation, marketing, product quality, human resources, development of branches, establishment of corporate culture, logistics service and project construction, based on which he made a scientific deployment on the development of Year 2010.
In 2009, the staff of YRPG captured the mood of the times, sought for opportunities in difficulties and rose to the challenges despite the complex market situation. With their efforts, the growth goal was met with and the development potentials were sustained in the challenges, along with striking achievements gained. The sales and the tax on profits of the Group have increased by 15.36% and 18.58% on year-on-year basis respectively, and all the main technical economical indexes have hit the records. A series titles have been awarded to the Group in succession, in which there was the title “National Advanced Unit in Cultural and Ideological Progress”, the title “National Advanced Private Enterprise in Employment and Social Insurance”, the title “30-Year Contribution Award of Chinese Medicine”, the title “Award of Merit for Chinese Patent for Invention”, the title “Quality Award of Jiangsu Province”, the title “Innovative Enterprise of Jiangsu Province” and the title “Special Gold Award in China International Patent and Brand Exposition”. Besides, the Group was listed in Top 500 Enterprises of China and Top 500 Enterprises of China on Taxation. 
In 2009, the overall competitiveness and sustainable development capacity of the Group were further improved, which could be told from the obtaining of the manufacturing licenses of 12 kinds of new drug and the clinical permission of 8 kinds of drug as well as the successful market entrance of 4 exclusive varieties (Dezocine, Desloratadine Citrate Disodium, Su Huang [traditional Chinese medicine, fruit of a kind of water lily] and heat-clearing and detoxifying particles). Nineteen products of the Group have been listed in National List of Essential Drugs and 98 products have been covered under National List of Medicine Insurance. In the Sampling for National Drug Evaluation of Year 2009 conducted by the State, all the products including Ceftriaxone Sodium for Injection of 141 batches have been confirmed to meet with national standards upon examination. In the 30th National Quality Control Presentation of Pharmaceutical Industry, YRPG has won 47 gold awards for its achievements on quality control, bringing it to the 1st place of the country for the 5th time and promoting the reputation of the product quality and enterprise image. Meanwhile, overseas sales have increased by a large margin. 29 products have been newly registered abroad and the Certificate of Registration of 10 kinds of products has been obtained.
Xu Jingren also pointed out the problems emerging in the development of the enterprise on facts with achievements confirmed. He admonished repeatedly that the cadres and workers of the Group should consciously bear the idea of overall situation and the awareness of unexpected development, springing up the trends of keeping close links with the masses, staying realistic and pragmatic, working hard and living plainly, persisting in criticism and self-criticism to implement the working plans with a good style and drive the enterprise to a way of leap-forward, harmonious and scientific development. Based on analysis on the economic situation of medical industry in and abroad, the overall demands and the development goal of the Group in 2010 were set as: with the guidance of the General Secretary Hu Jintao’s trust, fulfilling the spirit of the central and provincial economic working conferences, putting emphasis on transforming development pattern, taking more efforts on research and development of new products and stepping up market promotion, consolidating and extending distribution channels, improving quality and management performance, seizing the opportunities and initiative, taking the commanding points, creating advantages, carrying out new development, insuring that the annual operational indicator will increase by 15% and welcoming the 40th anniversary of the Group with distinctive performance.
Specific arrangements have been made on the key parts of work in the next year by Xu Jingren. He stressed that a good result of the work in the next year called for our awareness of the situation, further unified ideological understanding as well as strengthened confidence and awareness of unexpected development. He also pointed out that we had to take more efforts on changing the economic development mode, improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth and strengthening the vitality and the motive force of the development of the Enterprise. We also had to improve the pertinence and flexibility of the policies in accordance to the new situation and hence a sound and fast development of the Enterprise from a new start.
Zhang Lei congratulated YRPG for the achievements it had gained on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He put it that the sound and fast development of YRPG had been gained with the intelligence, courage and insight of the leaders as well as the diligence and strength of all the workers of the Group. The very support and drive of a group of key enterprises like YRPG won the stable and fast development of economy for the city.
Zhang Lei encouraged YRPG to find a scientific development way to meet their own situation in the new year with their innovation capability developed, horizon broadened, opening-up drive strengthened, development ideas innovated; meanwhile, the Group should bear the entrustment of the General Secretary Hu Jintao in mind, further improve core competitiveness and enhance in-depth innovation to seize more commanding points for a sustainable development.
At the conference, 31 advanced units, 32 outstanding managerial staffs, 36 pacesetters and model workers and 323 advanced workers of Year 2009 were awarded.