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YRPG Became Taizhou Environmental Protection Model Enterprise
Author: Date:2013/8/1 16:00:00 Read:1528
In order to set up a batch of typical environmental protection enterprises, regulate the environmental management of chemical industry and the sewage treatment industry, and to better promote the municipal environmental protection work, on September 25, Taizhou Municipal Environmental Bureau held in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd an on-site meeting of demonstrative enterprises for environmental protection of the city. Responsible persons of relevant offices of the municipal environmental protection system and public institutions, as well as the responsible persons of 41 enterprises from the chemical industry and 9 centralized sewage treatment plants of the city attended the meeting.
The meeting announced the city's first batch of environmental protection demonstrated enterprises, among which 10 enterprises were listed honorably, including Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd, Xinpu Chemistry (Taixing) Co., Ltd., CNOOC Oil & Gas (Taizhou) Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Taizhou Ziguang Water Industry Co., Ltd. and Taixing Binjiang Sewage Treatment Plant. The representatives of the meeting carried out on-site observations to 5 model enterprises, and carried out exchange and communication concerning the survey and studying. 5 enterprises, including Yangtze River and Xinpu Chemistry, were invited in the meeting to make a speech and talk about their experiences.
Over the years, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd has given great importance to the ecological and environmental protection work and has actively participated in activities created by “environmentally friendly enterprises”. The enterprise invested more than RMB 100 million for the construction of environmental protection facilities, to reduce the pollution from the source and strictly implement standard requirements on pollution emissions. The company strictly implements the GMP regulations, fully advocating clean production, adheres and carries out a variety of activities in relation with subjects of “energy saving, consumption reduction and emission reduction”, timely and effectively handles the processing of all kinds of wastes during the pharmaceutical production process in order to achieve zero emissions of contaminants. The group has successfully passed the international standard certifications such as ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 and ISO10012 management systems. It runs an integrated operation in terms of quality, environmental protection, health and safety and measurement system of the whole company, having formed a systematic and standardized scientific management mode in order to lay a solid foundation for the development of the enterprise and thus achieved a win-win situation of economic and social benefits.
Gu Guoyang, Director of the Municipal Environmental Bureau, expressed that the selection of environmentally friendly model enterprises is the first time in the city and is also an innovation in the province. The municipal environmental protection department will recently study the formulation method for the rewards to the Environmental Protection Model Enterprise; adopt a number of preferential measures and encouraging policies to guide more enterprises to actively participate in the model creation. To the unit that has been consecutively evaluated as the environmental protection model enterprise, relevant departments will give preference to arrange the environmental protection special fund projects, clean production demonstration projects and circulating economy pilot projects; when rating the environmental behaviors of the enterprises, it will be considered to give priority to be the green rating company and at the same time reduce the day-to-day on-site environmental inspection frequency; all the environmental service fees will also be charged according to the minimum amounts and the company that applies to be listed in the stock market or when refinancing will be exempted from environmental inspections.