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YRPG Ranked among the Top 5 Taxpayers of Private Enterprises of Jiangsu Province
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:59:00 Read:1432
Jiangsu Province recently issued the provincial ranking list of the private enterprise taxpayers and advanced employers in 2008. 234 private enterprises that achieved a total amount of tax paid over RMB 28 million and 145 private enterprises that had more than 1500 employees in 2008 were listed honorably. Among which YRPG Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd ranks number five in the list of the provincial private enterprise taxpayers, one position higher compared with the ranking of last year. At the same time, the Group was awarded with the title of "Advanced Employment Unit of Private Enterprises of the Province”. This is a full affirmation to the contribution of YRPG Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. by the state and the society.
It is reported that the target of this ranking assessment includes all the private enterprises in the province. It is carried out with the procedure of recommendation from cities and counties, ratified and assessed by relevant departments. The enterprises ranked the top 5 private enterprise taxpayers of the province in 2008 are: Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Suning Appliance Group, Jiangsu Yonggang Group Co., Ltd. and YRPG.