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YRPG Held 2009 Mid-Year Work Conference
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:50:00 Read:1462
Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group (YRPG)won a victory once again. On June 30, Xinglin International Conference Center of YRPGwas decorated beautifully and was surrounded by a joyous atmosphere. YRPG held its mid-year work conference here.
Yao Jianhua, the Mayor, Lu Peimin, the Deputy Mayor, Chen Guanhua, the Director of Taizhou Food and Drug Administration and Zhang Xiaobing the Director of Gaogang District attended the conference to express their congratulations. Xu Jingren, Ji Shouru, Xu Weiquan, Ji Hongquan, Xu Liqin, Sun Tianjiang and Ji Weiqun, the leaders of YRPG, also attended the conference.
The mid-year work conference of this year was different from that of the previous years for that it was also an employees' representative conference. There were 1380 employee representatives attending this meeting. They were internal principals and workshop directors (superior to monitors orteam leaders), external office leaders or superior directors, principals of subsidiaries and excellent employee representatives selected democratically by each unit.
In this year, on the backgrounds of global financial crisis and medical reform, the people of YRPGovercame all difficulties and made the best use of time. They turned pressure into driving force, and crisis into opportunity. They implemented "Five Projects" strategy vigorously and made progress scientifically according to their "development plan" and created new historical achievement on the background of economic depression. In the first half year, the rates of production, sales and profits increased by 18%, 15.6% and 11.1% respectively on year-on-year basis. The accumulated taxpaying amount was RMB 518,000,000, increasing by 11.2% on year-on-year basis.
In the first half year, YRPGhas developed 53 kinds of new medicines including 13 innovative medicines, 13 first generic medicines, 3 differential kinds of drugs, 5 items of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Five Kinds and 8 new dosage forms. YRPG obtained 3 manufacturing approvaldocumentsfor new medicine and 4 clinical approval documents. Some returnees and high-level talents of Chinese Academy of Sciences joined YRPG. In this year, YRPG employed 15 doctors and 88 masters to improve professional level of the R & D teams. Besides 18 products, reached the latest requirements of American, British, Japanese and European Union pharmacopoeia, there were 7 newly-added products up to American pharmacopoeia standards. YRPG was granted the titles of "Jiangsu Quality Award", "Jiangsu Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction Technology Innovation Sample Unit", "Sample Unit in Jiangsu Rest-Assured Activities ", "Jiangsu First Safe Manufacturing and Creditworthy Enterprises" and "Contribution Award” for over Past 30 Years of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry in succession. YRPG also entered into "Top 100 Enterprises", "Top 100 Private Enterprises" and "Top 100 Taxpaying Enterprises". The product of "Lanqin Oral Solution" has been prescribed as the first selective TCM drug for prevention and treatment of hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
Xu Jingren, YRPG's President made a review for the first half year's work carefully in the report. Firstly, oriented by market, through industry-academy-research cooperation, YRPGpromoted its innovation ability and enhanced development of innovative products. Secondly, through consolidating old channels and developing new ones to enhance new products' promotion, establish a wide range of experts' team and accelerate market's expansion, YRPG promoted its marketing competitiveness. Thirdly, YRPG introduced domestic and foreign advanced management experience to ensure medicine quality, market supply and project investment. Fourthly, through developing human resources, YRPG improved employees' quality and established a human resource management system which adapted to YRPG's reform and development. Fifthly, subsidiaries of YRPG developed with their own features and gave full play to their advantages and wharves. Their effects on innovative development had been strengthened. Sixthly, YRPG carried out the Party's ideological political work and other activities to promote YRPG's culture and ensure the further development of reform and innovation. Seventhly, YRPG regarded the logistics departments as the guarantee, did well in talents-introducing and employees' living arrangements, and created a comfortable and safe living environment.
After introducing these achievements, Xu Jingren indicated defects in YRPG's development. He required that all people of YRPG, especially the management personnel, must be vigilant in peace time, overcome complacency and enhance a sense of crisis, broaden horizon and establish a world vision; insist on the principal of "based on human" instead of "based on materials"; face and solve the existing deficiencies and establish a risk-preventing system in advance.
When it comes to the plan of the second half year, Xu Jingren said YRPG would accelerate the pace of innovation and development. The general requirements and fighting goals of the second half year were as follows: guided by Hu Jintao's (the General Secretary) ardent entrust to YRPG, YRPGwould accelerate adjustment of market product structure, accelerate innovative medicines' entering the market and quicken hospital section offices' enhancement and development. YRPG would change developing methods and promote the "Five Project Strategies" (including talents, development, quality, sales and internationalization) with higher standards, wider horizon and greater efforts continually. YRPG would guide all the employees to firm their confidence, meet challenges, grasp opportunities, work hard, be practical and take advantage of innovation. It would catch up with or exceed domestic pharmaceutical enterprises which develop with high speed. All these could ensure that YRPG realized the fighting goal of 10% year-on-year growth in sales revenue and profit. YRPG will present a gift to the state's 60th anniversary with excellent achievements.
Yao Jianhuaexpressed congratulations to YRPG's achievements and admired YRPG's strategies for challenges. He said, on the background of global financial crisis, YRPG's achievements were worth the congratulations and YRPG's contributions to municipal industrial economy were more outstanding. These achievements owed to YRPG's internal vitality and strong strength. Firstly, the leaders of YRPG have outstanding intelligence and excellent ability. Secondly, there is vigorous competitiveness in marketing. Thirdly, technology innovation and talents team are full of enthusiasm and potentials. On behalf of Taizhou Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, Yao Jianhua expressed heartfelt thanks to all people of YRPGfor their efforts and contributions.
Yao Jianhua encouraged YRPG to be more advanced in five respects: Firstly, to be more advanced in scale merit and try to occupy the domestic pharmaceutical enterprise scales' “commanding height” firmly, as well as to learn from or surpass foreign enterprises; Secondly, to be more advanced in technical innovation and be active in joining in the construction of China Medical City and develop more unique and featured products with independent intellectual property rights; Thirdly, to be more advanced in gathering talents and try to establish teams with the most talents for China's pharmaceutical enterprises by making efforts to introduce the senior management talents and technical leading personnel; Fourthly, to be more advanced in developing markets including the market around cities, community health center and rural markets; Fifthly, to be more advanced in international level and try to play a leading role in introducing foreign technology, talents, funds, increasing the export of Chinese medicine, exploring the development of oversea investment and undertaking outsourcing of oversea service.
At this conference, advanced department principals, excellent management directors, labor examples and technical pacesetters selected through the first half year's work were commended.
The joy of victory can be seen on everyone's face. After listening to the report, all employee representatives were excited and encouraged. They indicated that they would make persistent efforts to make greater contributions according to YRPG's annual work plan and requirements for their posts.