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The 30th Conference of National Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team Achievement & 30th Anniversary Commendation Meeting Was Held
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:49:00 Read:1647
In such a season full of passion, YRPG became the focus of national pharmaceutical industry again.
From July 9 to July 10, the 30th Conference of National Pharmaceutical Industry Quality Control (QC) Team Achievement & 30th Anniversary Commendation Meeting was held in YRPG. This meeting attracted 14 pharmaceutical groups, 80 pharmaceutical enterprises, 206 QC teams and about 350 representatives from 19 provinces and municipalities.
Zhang Heyong, Chairman of China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals (CQAP), Ye Yaoyu, Vice Director of Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration, Lu Peimin, Vice Mayor of Taizhou, Chen Guanhua, Director of Taizhou Food and Drug Administration, Guo Qingwu, Deputy Chief of Security Supervision Office of the State Food and Drug Administration, Tian Chunhua, Deputy Chief of the Adverse Reaction Monitor Center of the State Food and Drug Administration, Li Wuchen, Zhao Guiying and Sun Xinsheng, deputy chairmen of China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals, and Xu Jingren, YRPG's President, attended the meeting.
206 QC Teams Competing at One Stage
The once-in-a-year QC achievements presentation and exchange has become a domestically authoritative drug quality management platform, and a "barometer" of the quality management level for domestic pharmaceutical enterprises.
Various technologies and numerous talents gather together to display their enterprise strength, exchange experience and compete in technologies. Among them, there are some enterprises firstly extending QC activities such as North China Pharmaceutical Group Corporation and Harbin Pharmaceutical Groupand some emerging enterprises. Besides, Xu Jingren, YRPG's President, Wang Yongwei, the Vice Executive General Manager of North China Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, and Wu Zhijun, Vice General Manager of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, attended the meeting to cheer for their teams. All these show their intense interest in QC achievement presentation activities.
This QC subject presentation was divided into four groups. There were seven professional judges for each group. The subjects included research type, on-the-site type, innovative type, management type, problem-solving and service type etc. There are 206 subjects in total. QC teams gave their speeches through multimedia tools within the specified time limit on the stage and answered questions from the judges.
The subject of Exploiter QC team from YRPG's Quality Management Department of A Study on New Method for Bailemian Capsule Content Measurement solved problems during quality control in an innovative way. Qiao Longjuan gave a brilliant speech on behalf of the team, which had well-organized program, tight PDCA, flexible use of tools and specified measures. .
The subject of "Benben" team from Shandong Erjiao Co., Ltd. is Reducing Composite Membrane Loss. The speaker on behalf of their team was one of the few male participants, which was a highlight of the presentation meeting. Qilianshan QC team from Shanghai Pharmaceutical Holding performed short sketches alternately during their presentation Validation of Cold Chain Transport Package, which delivered the actual effects.
 Presenting achievements can boost exchange and holding competition can promote progress. Subjects present at the meeting reflect the characteristics of QC team activities: small-scaled, pragmatic, flexible and innovative, and they are focused on key problems in production. Moreover, the increase in innovative achievements showed the overall progress.
No.1 Winner with its 47 First Prizes
With the honor of QC "Dream Team", YRPG stood out at the meeting. After winning 28 first prizes last year, YRPG sent out 56 QC teams (including its subsidiaries) for this competition.
After fierce competition, the meeting awarded 103 First Prizes, 74 Second Prizes and 26 Excellence Awards and 45 Best Presentation Awards for QC teams. With strong teams and brilliant achievements, YRPG won 47 First Prizes, which refreshed its national record. YRPG has become the Champion with the most first prizes for five consecutive years. Besides, YRPG also won 30 best presentation awards and was honored 2009 Excellent Enterprise in National Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team Activities. Eight people including Liang Yuantai, Sha Qi and Ji Hongying were honored Excellent Propellers in National Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team Activities.
YRPG gave an excellent performance on the stage of national pharmaceutical industry QC team activities. In 2005, they won 5 first prizes; in 2006 they won 13; in 2007 they won 20; in 2008they won 28 and in 2009 they won 47.
To commend YRPG's contribution in promoting QC team activities, Zhang Heyong awarded YRPG Special Award for Excellent Enterprise in the 30th Anniversary of National Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team Activities and Excellent Leader in National Pharmaceutical Industry QC Team Activities on behalf of China Quality Association for Pharmaceutical.
YRPG's concentration on QC team activities, great efforts and brave innovation of technologies help itself to win these honors. The QC team in the hydro-acupuncture workshop proposed to introduce foreign equipment and invents anti-breakage acupunctures through technological reform, which solved the issue of acupuncture breakage that baffled German experts and won the reward of RMB 300,000 from the German equipment manufacturer. The QC team in the LVP workshop invented the anti-jump butyl rubber stopper. This achievement is the first in China and has applied for national patent.
YRPG's QC teams have extended 210 subjects over the past five years, which have created economic benefit worth over RMB 50,000,000. These leading QC achievements reflect advantages of quality management and progress in innovative ability.
Splendid 30-Year History of QC Team Activities
2009 is the 30th anniversary of QC team activities in national pharmaceutical industry. During the event, all attendees felt charm of this activity and shared QC achievements over the past years.
At the beginning of the opening up and reform, QC teams were introduced to China as one of the four pillars on quality management. In 1980, the then State Pharmaceutical Administration held the 1st Conference for QC Team Achievement. Only 13 teams from 12 provinces and municipalities attended the meeting. In 1989, the then S established the China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals. In a short period of 10 years, the number of attending QC teams had increased significantly to 43 teams from 22 provinces. In 2008, there were 156 QC teams attending the 29th Conference for QC Team Achievement, 12 times more than that of 1980.
Over the past 30 years, about 100,000 QC teams have registered about 200,000 people attended the events; over RMB 10 billion was created during the events. 2611 QC teams and 5570 people attended the conferences; from 2003 to 2008, 812 QC teams attended the conferences, which created economic benefit worth RMB 43.8 million. There are nearly ten thousand QC teams working in the production and service first line each year. QC team activities have improved people's quality awareness, enterprises' quality management ideas, product quality and enterprises' overall quality, and helped to nurture a large number of QC talents.
Zhang Heyong said that QC team activities could draw wide participation. At present, QC teams play an irreplaceable role in implementing GMP, GSP and GAP. We should not only pay more attention to and give support to QC team activities, but also arouse and protect enthusiasm of attendees to promote health and effective development of QC team activities.
A Long-Distance Race without Destination
As the co-organizer of this activity, Xu Jingren said at the meeting: "The 30th Conference for QC Team Achievement in National Pharmaceutical Industry & 30th Anniversary Commendation Meeting provides a learning opportunity for pharmaceutical companies."
From the perspective of pharmaceutical development, Xu Jingren and his peers advocated strengthening communication, mutual learning, sharing excellent experience, creating new experience, developing methods to improve quality management. He also said that all pharmaceutical companies should work together to fulfill "Benefiting people with high quality" and avoid drug safety problems. Companies should set up an example for others by fulfilling the duty of protecting people's safe use of drugs..
As an enterprise that values quality, YRPG firmly believes that product quality comes from design and production. YRPG holds two quality months a year to strengthen employees' quality awareness. Besides, YRPG continues to improve their quality management system which consists of development, production, supply and after-sale services, establishes and implements the management systems of SO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. It endeavors to make their drugs that meet the above-national-average standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of all drugs. Dedicated to reaching international quality standards, YRPG has over 20 products meeting the latest requirements in pharmacopoeias of the USA, UK, Japan and European Union.
After Tsitsiharfake drug incident, the Security Supervision Office of the State Food and Drug Administration decided to amend the Drug GMP Authentication Items. Although the new version has not been issued and implemented, more and more pharmaceutical enterprises show their attention. This meeting was an opportunity to know and learn the GMP amendment of the new version. All attendees listened to the special report of Drug GMP Implementation and Amendment given by Guo Qingqu carefully and said that they would prepare for the new GMP.
New situations and challenges require better quality management. This meeting called for all pharmaceutical enterprises to organize QC team activities to improve quality management and contribute to safe and effective drug use and health of the public.