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The Second Group Marriage Ceremony of YRPG Was Held
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:42:00 Read:1430
Hand in hand, spend the rest of the lives together.
On May 2, fresh flowers can be seen everywhere in YRPG. Love can be felt at the Xinglin Square. Arched door is decorated with red balloons, which adds vigor to the scene. Dancing fountains are eager to tell the stories of love. Eight YRPG couples set off on their journey of happiness with the witness of YRPG's leaders and their relatives.
At the wedding ceremony, the brides’ and grooms’ faces beam with happy smiles. Sweet and sincere wishes, commitments to spend the rest of lives together and happy faces all bring live and moving scenery. Antithetical couplets hung in the hall of Petrel Hotel are written by President Xu Jingren on behalf of the whole staff of the Group, extending the best wishes for the new couples to live a happy life together and have a baby born to the family soon.
The wedding ceremony starts at six thirty-eight in the evening. Walking hand in hand down the red carpet to the tone of “Wedding March”, brides and grooms walk through the flower arched door and receive the best wishes from friends and families with happy smiles on their faces.
Western-style wedding ceremony comes first. Four couples in white wedding gowns and suits read out the pledge of love and exchange rings. “Stay by your side as your husband/wife, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad…” The vow is sacred and romantic. To the joyous music, the four couples bow three times to the parents, the kids and the guests. The exchange of rings and the heartfelt kisses pushes the ceremony to its climax.
The Chinese-style ceremony coming later is classic and solemn. Grooms in Tang suits and red cloth flowers and brides in phoenix coronets and robes cross fire pan and saddle, bow to Heaven, the Earth and the parents… The bustling ceremony affects each person on the site. When the wedding conductor announces “Grooms, please unveil the brides”, the ceremony is pushed to its climax and the hall is filled with happy laughter.
President Xu Jingren attends the ceremony, acts as the chief witness of the wedding and extends sincere wedding blessings to the new couples. He says it is a great honor to be able to witness the bonding of 8 happy couples and wishes that each and every couple can enjoy a happy life together and carry forward the traditional virtues to honor and respect each other, manage the household industriously and thriftily, respect the elders and cherish the young, and contribute to the cultural and ideological construction of YRPG. The new couples benefit a lot from the heartfelt speech of the Chairman.
In an important procedure of the ceremony, main leadership of the Group hands out original awards to the new couples: the Perfect Match Award, the Eternal Love Award, etc. Different awards express the same blessings toward them. Representatives of the new couples, Jiao Jinhua and Bu Fanlin express sincere gratitude to the elaborate planning and organizing of the ceremony and promise that they will cherish and support each other and prosper with YRPG together.
When interviewed by a journalist, one of the brides, Zhang Cuihua says with excitement, “I am so happy today! Each part of the ceremony is elaborately planned and full of meanings. It spares us the endless efforts to plan and arrange for the wedding and helps extend our love and passion. What’s more important is that the happy little family constructed with the help of the Group makes us feel the love of the great family of YRPG and motivates us to do solid work in the future and contribute more to the Group!”
One relative of one of the new couples who travels a long distance for the wedding tells the journalist gladly that the grand and happy ceremony held by YRPG gives them faith to believe that YRPG cares about the staff and makes them feel the vigorous passion of YRPG.
Every moment and every detail of the ceremony will last in the memory of the eight new couples and all the guests.