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YRPG Organized A Tourism to Jiangxi for Top Employees
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:42:00 Read:1460
In order to enrich the spiritual life of the staff and create a harmonious, healthy, and relaxed working and living environment, the Group organized 16 top managerial staff, model workers and technicians to set out on a red tourism journey in Jiangxi Province to get close to the grand rivers and mountains of the country from May 10 to May 17.
Jiangxi in May is rich in beautiful scenery. Along the way, scenic spots of Lushan Mountain, Jingdezhen, Wuyuan, Sanqing Mountain, Longhu Mountain, and Jinggang Mountains, etc. offered a great opportunity to experience the history of red revolution in Jiangxi and made them all very proud of our country.
In Jinggang Mountain, the cradle of the revolution, we visited the Jinggang Mountain Revolution Museum, the Cemetery of Revolutionary Martyrs and were deeply impressed by the marvelous achievements of the martyrs. Over 10 people raised the red party flag and vowed to carry forward spirit of Jinggang Mountain in YRPG. More than 80 years ago, the seed of the revolution was buried in Jinggang Mountain and led the Chinese revolution forward until the great success. Today, the ever-shining spirit of Jinggang Mountain is encouraging the staff of YRPG to strive with no spare efforts for the development of the pharmaceuticals in China.
The seven-day travel was memorable and made everyone relaxed with the beautiful landscape and scenery. The red travel not only nourishes the staff’s patriotism, but also encourages the communication among them and enhances the cohesion of the Group. The model workers promise to further increase their efforts in work and never let the Group down by striving for more achievements.